Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Orientation, Day 1

Yesterday was pretty eventful... And exhausting. The day ended at 4pm, I took a nap, had dinner, and then fell right back asleep. On the bright side, I was so exhausted that I actually slept until my alarm! Victory! I'm going to set it for 6am every week day (unless I happen to have an especially early class) and sleep in on weekends, just so everyone knows my schedule. 6am is 5pm for my friends at home, and it gives me enough time to get ready for the day without rushing.

Yay for schedules. Speaking of schedules, I believe we are registering for classes today ^^ but this post isn't about today, it's about yesterday. I was way too tired to write about it, and I didn't want to turn this blog into a chore.

Everyone in my building met up in front and we walked down to the train station with two girls from Kinjo's international club. From there we met the other group of students (we're about 20 in all; I have a specific number somewhere but I don't feel like fishing it up). We separated into "regions" I guess, which I thought was very typical. Chelsea & I were with the Polish girl Natalia (who is very cool, we're friends) and we walked around Obata and did important document stuff.

Like buying an inkan (Y3,000! But, necessary to open a bank account.) And applying for our alien cards. And all that jazz. Very exhausting in itself.

When that was all done, we went and had a grand tour of Kinjo Gakuin! And may I say, it is the most beautiful campus I've ever set foot on. I am very happy that I chose this school! Oh, and we had lunch with all the other students, and had to give a (very awkward) self introduction.

Watashi no namae wa Lauren desu. Lori to yonde kudasai. Amerika no Uesuto Baajinia Daigaku kara kimashita. Watashi no ichiban suki na tabemono wa.... sushi desu ^_^. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu~
私の名前はローレンです。 ローリとよんでください。 アメリカのウエストバージニア大学から来ました。 私の一番好きな食べ物は。。。 すしです ^_^。 よろしくおねがいします~
My name is Lauren. Call me Lori. I come from America's West Virginia University. My favorite food is sushi ^_^ Please treat me well~

In retrospect, I probably could have said more. But... tanoshikatta...

There are some pictures under the break! Check them out ^_^ More are on my facebook, just because some of them get a little repetitive, hehe.

This is seriously, like, the most beautiful campus o.o

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