Hehehe long time no blog, right? I honestly think its because I'm tired of my layout. I want to make a new one, but I just can't be bothered. I also can't remember how blogger coding works, and I don't really want to spend an evening remembering how again.
Alright so, things have been going pretty good. I'm a little behind in my work, but only for 1 class - I can turn that work in by the end of the semesters, so I'm not SOL, just.. stressed. Completely my fault, though. 3 1-page papers for that class, not that bad. Plus I need to do a report for this Friday class coming up... Bah, whatever. I'll get to it!
Things have been happening. It's been cool. I can't really say what all has happened since my last post.. quite a lot, actually. But I can say that last weekend we went & did this "Aichi Industry Tour" thing. It was like a field trip. A surprise field trip, because I thought we'd be back by noon, only it took all freakin day - from 8am to 5pm.
And it was hot as balls outside. Everyday is about 90 degrees with enough humidity to make it feel 100. I have a tan. I'll say that again. I have a tan. How does that happen!? And it's like a farmers tan too... I even have a tan line around my watch area. So not tacky at all.
Anyway, back to my point. The field trip. It was cool, we went and saw a Miso factory (miso is basically.. just like.. umm! To put it simply, a "Spice" I guess. Nagoya is famous for it.) It was really neat because the factory holds hundreds of this huuuuuge buckets (probably 10+ feet high. I have pictures on facebook). And in those buckets is the miso with dozens of rocks piled on top of it, to smoosh. It's slightly amazing because it takes about 5 years to balance the rocks just right, and then another 5 years to smoosh the miso adequately. The rocks are so balanced that even earthquakes don't knock them over. And there are tons of earthquakes in Japan.
I haven't felt any yet. Kind of disappointing, but... a relief too, I suppose. There was another 7.1 earthquake around Tokyo a couple days ago. So many! But none around Nagoya. Good? Yeah...
On Monday I did a presentation at a local high school. It was pretty amazing. I wasn't looking forward to it because - come on - it's a presentation. But they were actually really interested in what I had to say. (Most of what I said was in slow English, but the powerpoint itself was in Japanese. So they could understand what was going on.) I think it's so cute how Japanese girls are so amazed by anything Western. I can give a peace sign and they'll gush, "kawaii~~~" (so cute!). Yes. I am amazing.
The attention is nice, but I seriously can't wait to be home and not be stared at for once. Seriously, I now know what its like to be a minority in a country. There are no other white people apart from me and the 5 other westerners at Kinjo. I've gotten used to the stares, but it'll be nice to not have to worry about it...
Although, there is the good news about being foreign in Japan. I was asked to be in a Kinjo commercial! Me and my friend Nat-chan. Obviously, it was because we're foreign, and they want the commercial to make Kinjo seem so diverse - and say, "Look! We have blonde girls and Americans! We're awesome!" Hehe but I'm not complaining. It was a really neat experience. The shooting was today during lunch. I basically sat a table with Nat-chan and a Japanese girl, and we talked while they played with lights and filmed us. I didn't even know they began filming until the director asked for more hand gestures.
And then it was suddenly over. They gave us presents at the end! I got some special Kinjo chopsticks, and a Kinjo make-up bag. I'm a happy camper. Also, they're giving me a copy of the commercial on a CD, but it won't be ready untilt he 29th. I leave the 30th! Hopefully it's not late!
Hum, let's see. What else is new... I picked out a yukata to wear to the Farewell Party in 2.5 weeks. CIEP is renting them out. But... I think I am going to buy one. I rented one just in case but I plan on going shopping for one this weekend. =] It's still a pretty yukata though. I hope to get one just like it!
Anything else going on? Probably. But nothing immediately coming to mind. Something I still need to do before I leave: VISIT CAT CAFE, AMG.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Thursday, June 23, 2011
"Atsui ne" - It's hot, isn't it? (A phrase I hear constantly, & say constantly.)
Yea, it's hot. I swear once I'm home I'm never underestimating the power of AC ever again. I have AC here, but it's so expensive. Tell me why I have to pay $50 a month already for just the electricity of 1 little room in a boarding house (and don't give me that 'hot water' crap. I take short showers and am otherwise not using my hot water). I'm afraid to find out how much I'll have to pay if I have the AC on all the time... No wonder Japan is so eco-friendly. Energy is expensive!
I do sleep with it on, though. Otherwise it is way too much... Today will 85F with 90% humidity. So it feels like walking in a children's pool, if you catch my drift. And when it does finally rain (because it will), and you don't have an umbrella, you're fucked. Because you're not drying off for the rest of the day - it is far too humid. (Unless you turn on the AC. There's a "dry air" function. But again, expensive!) I have to change my clothes everytime I come home from classes. I am running through my laundry detergent so much faster.
That umbrella comment - you don't really notice how amazing umbrellas are until you come to Japan. I know in America, yea you hold an umbrella a couple times if it's raining. But Japan takes it so much farther. For example, you can find an umbrella to buy almost anywhere. Anywhere. There will be baskets of umbrellas for sale in restaurants, bars, furniture stores, wherever you might be. 95% guaranteed. They're cheap too. About $5 for one of those cheap clear plastic ones. (Although they fall apart if the wind is blowing too hard.) The International Office at my school lends out umbrellas to borrow if it's raining. Very nice. Also! A lot of girls walk around with an umbrella even if it isn't raining. They're black parasols that block the sun from their skin. Nifty.
Not to mention all the umbrella accessories. Stands for your umbrella outside every establishment & home (always). And little plastic "condoms" to cover your umbrella - they keep all the water in so it doesn't drip on the floor. If you don't want to leave it outside. Japan is very safe, however. Rarely someone will steal your umbrella. They will if they get mistaken which one is their's - or if they're an asshole and just want to take it anyway. But still very cheap to replace.
I wish the AC was as cheap as umbrellas.
Omg, why am I talking about umbrellas?!
Noo-sensei and Sano-sensei visited Kinjo yesterday. They just wanted to make sure we're still alive. I was so nervous beforehand because I expected them to go crazy with the Japanese talk, and they would in turn be very disappointed in my improvement. But they didn't =D They were very nice. (Actually, on the contrary, CIEP told me that I was one of the best students, and Noo-sensei was proud to be my teacher~ Aww.) But anyway - I feel a lot better about getting the credits for 302 I need. Now all I have to worry about is getting WVU to take some of my Kinjo credits as "analytical" classes.
Oh god. Don't get me started on WVU's graduation requirements. I swear, I have taken nothing but GECs and Major-Required classes my entire college career (30+ credits each year, only 1 or 2 BS classes) and I still don't know if I'm going to graduate on time. Their GEC requirements are way too much. Seriously.
But enough about that. I could talk about the speech I gave Tuesday morning, but I am a little embarrassed lol. It's a huge problem I have when talking in front of large audiences. I am not nervous - I repeat, I am not nervous. But my body (yes I'll say it) my body betrays me. It starts shaking uncontrollably. My heart isn't even beating fast! I used to sing in front of 500+, maybe 1,000+ people (although shaking). I am fine with public speaking. Honest to goodness. But I can't seem to stay still. It's really annoying!!
I couldn't read the paper because I was shaking so much, so I had to fold it against my stomach and read downward. Ugh. Such a proper speech giving stance, right? But my pronunciation was super. CIEP director told me I spoke so fluently! =D Happy. (Granted, I had a lot of help writing the speech from my Convo Partner....)
But okay that's enough. Took me 30 mins to write this post, jeeze. What's wrong with me. I have to go to class in 20 minutes. Better get ready.
Oh did I mention it's hot?
Yea, it's hot. I swear once I'm home I'm never underestimating the power of AC ever again. I have AC here, but it's so expensive. Tell me why I have to pay $50 a month already for just the electricity of 1 little room in a boarding house (and don't give me that 'hot water' crap. I take short showers and am otherwise not using my hot water). I'm afraid to find out how much I'll have to pay if I have the AC on all the time... No wonder Japan is so eco-friendly. Energy is expensive!
I do sleep with it on, though. Otherwise it is way too much... Today will 85F with 90% humidity. So it feels like walking in a children's pool, if you catch my drift. And when it does finally rain (because it will), and you don't have an umbrella, you're fucked. Because you're not drying off for the rest of the day - it is far too humid. (Unless you turn on the AC. There's a "dry air" function. But again, expensive!) I have to change my clothes everytime I come home from classes. I am running through my laundry detergent so much faster.
That umbrella comment - you don't really notice how amazing umbrellas are until you come to Japan. I know in America, yea you hold an umbrella a couple times if it's raining. But Japan takes it so much farther. For example, you can find an umbrella to buy almost anywhere. Anywhere. There will be baskets of umbrellas for sale in restaurants, bars, furniture stores, wherever you might be. 95% guaranteed. They're cheap too. About $5 for one of those cheap clear plastic ones. (Although they fall apart if the wind is blowing too hard.) The International Office at my school lends out umbrellas to borrow if it's raining. Very nice. Also! A lot of girls walk around with an umbrella even if it isn't raining. They're black parasols that block the sun from their skin. Nifty.
Not to mention all the umbrella accessories. Stands for your umbrella outside every establishment & home (always). And little plastic "condoms" to cover your umbrella - they keep all the water in so it doesn't drip on the floor. If you don't want to leave it outside. Japan is very safe, however. Rarely someone will steal your umbrella. They will if they get mistaken which one is their's - or if they're an asshole and just want to take it anyway. But still very cheap to replace.
I wish the AC was as cheap as umbrellas.
Omg, why am I talking about umbrellas?!
Noo-sensei and Sano-sensei visited Kinjo yesterday. They just wanted to make sure we're still alive. I was so nervous beforehand because I expected them to go crazy with the Japanese talk, and they would in turn be very disappointed in my improvement. But they didn't =D They were very nice. (Actually, on the contrary, CIEP told me that I was one of the best students, and Noo-sensei was proud to be my teacher~ Aww.) But anyway - I feel a lot better about getting the credits for 302 I need. Now all I have to worry about is getting WVU to take some of my Kinjo credits as "analytical" classes.
Oh god. Don't get me started on WVU's graduation requirements. I swear, I have taken nothing but GECs and Major-Required classes my entire college career (30+ credits each year, only 1 or 2 BS classes) and I still don't know if I'm going to graduate on time. Their GEC requirements are way too much. Seriously.
But enough about that. I could talk about the speech I gave Tuesday morning, but I am a little embarrassed lol. It's a huge problem I have when talking in front of large audiences. I am not nervous - I repeat, I am not nervous. But my body (yes I'll say it) my body betrays me. It starts shaking uncontrollably. My heart isn't even beating fast! I used to sing in front of 500+, maybe 1,000+ people (although shaking). I am fine with public speaking. Honest to goodness. But I can't seem to stay still. It's really annoying!!
I couldn't read the paper because I was shaking so much, so I had to fold it against my stomach and read downward. Ugh. Such a proper speech giving stance, right? But my pronunciation was super. CIEP director told me I spoke so fluently! =D Happy. (Granted, I had a lot of help writing the speech from my Convo Partner....)
But okay that's enough. Took me 30 mins to write this post, jeeze. What's wrong with me. I have to go to class in 20 minutes. Better get ready.
Oh did I mention it's hot?
Sunday, June 12, 2011
This is how I'm counting down the days: 3 more days until it's halfway through June! Then it's officially 1 and a half months til I'm home! Luckily, they are going a little quickly.
I realize that my "counting down" is probably making people think I hate it here. I don't. I love Japan, it is an amazing country! And I don't regret for a second that I went. ^_^ But people need to understand that I haven't been away from my boyfriend for more than a month at a time (less than that; winter break is the longest I've been away). It's really getting to me. It's not that I'm not having fun here, its just me being lonely. Four months away, and he's suffering as well, which makes things even worse. He's working from 9-5 and then coming home to an empty apartment. Sometimes I sit back and think, how could I have done this to him? I was so selfish to want to come to Japan, I barely thought of how this would effect him at all...
I can talk about him because he doesn't even read my blog =P DO YOU, SEAN!? (If he yells at me later about this, I will be extremely surprised.)
So! Counting down the days. Meanwhile, there should be plenty of stuff to keep me occupied. There's a Pot Luck party tomorrow at CIEP. Meaning, all the international students are going to be bringing in special dishes from their home countries. I'm excited to stuff my face. I'm making "mini burgers" for them. Hopefully they'll be easy. Only problem is finding ground beef... There are 3 supermarkets around where I live. One of them is bound to have some beef. Probably not mini hamburger buns, or buns at all, but their bread is really thick - I can use that.
That's one thing I would tell potential study abroaders. Japan study abroaders. It's going to be difficult finding food you recognize. I've seriously underestimated how amazing Walmart is, or any food store, for that matter. When getting food here, everything is in kanji, sometimes katakana - such as fruit and vegetables, or imported foods. The latter tends to be extremely expensive. I have a picture of two cantaloupes costing Y9,000+, each! That's more than $100. For a melon. o.o;
But - anyway - Pot Luck party. That's tomorrow. Should be fun~ Then later this week on Friday, a big group of us are going to karaoke. Yay karaoke! I am going to miss it so much~ After this week, and then every Monday until I leave (I think), I'm going to be 'working' at a local kindergarten. Just sitting around, playing with kids, and being American. It's not exactly my cup of tea, I'm not a huge fan of kids, except that Japanese kids are absolutely adorable. Along with that, it definitely counts as work experience if I'm getting paid. I need whatever I can get for my graduate school application. My only work experience, besides that 1 day serving pizza at a carnival, is being a housekeeper at a resort. Wow, impressive.
Okay, so potluck, karaoke, kindergarten. Then there's going to be a presentation to give to a High School about America and such. Should be interesting. They don't speak English, and I don't speak that great Japanese, but whatever. It's an experience! And that's what matters.
tl;dr?: I miss my boyfriend but hopefully things start speeding up. 7 more weeks!
(Oh. And my knees have been killing me for the past week. I can barely walk. Everytime I stand up, I almost always fall back down. I think its from the exercising I did at the Gym? I'm not sure. They made me do stretches afterward, so its not like I didn't cool down from it. And it's been a whole week without improvement. No fun.)
I realize that my "counting down" is probably making people think I hate it here. I don't. I love Japan, it is an amazing country! And I don't regret for a second that I went. ^_^ But people need to understand that I haven't been away from my boyfriend for more than a month at a time (less than that; winter break is the longest I've been away). It's really getting to me. It's not that I'm not having fun here, its just me being lonely. Four months away, and he's suffering as well, which makes things even worse. He's working from 9-5 and then coming home to an empty apartment. Sometimes I sit back and think, how could I have done this to him? I was so selfish to want to come to Japan, I barely thought of how this would effect him at all...
I can talk about him because he doesn't even read my blog =P DO YOU, SEAN!? (If he yells at me later about this, I will be extremely surprised.)
So! Counting down the days. Meanwhile, there should be plenty of stuff to keep me occupied. There's a Pot Luck party tomorrow at CIEP. Meaning, all the international students are going to be bringing in special dishes from their home countries. I'm excited to stuff my face. I'm making "mini burgers" for them. Hopefully they'll be easy. Only problem is finding ground beef... There are 3 supermarkets around where I live. One of them is bound to have some beef. Probably not mini hamburger buns, or buns at all, but their bread is really thick - I can use that.
That's one thing I would tell potential study abroaders. Japan study abroaders. It's going to be difficult finding food you recognize. I've seriously underestimated how amazing Walmart is, or any food store, for that matter. When getting food here, everything is in kanji, sometimes katakana - such as fruit and vegetables, or imported foods. The latter tends to be extremely expensive. I have a picture of two cantaloupes costing Y9,000+, each! That's more than $100. For a melon. o.o;
But - anyway - Pot Luck party. That's tomorrow. Should be fun~ Then later this week on Friday, a big group of us are going to karaoke. Yay karaoke! I am going to miss it so much~ After this week, and then every Monday until I leave (I think), I'm going to be 'working' at a local kindergarten. Just sitting around, playing with kids, and being American. It's not exactly my cup of tea, I'm not a huge fan of kids, except that Japanese kids are absolutely adorable. Along with that, it definitely counts as work experience if I'm getting paid. I need whatever I can get for my graduate school application. My only work experience, besides that 1 day serving pizza at a carnival, is being a housekeeper at a resort. Wow, impressive.
Okay, so potluck, karaoke, kindergarten. Then there's going to be a presentation to give to a High School about America and such. Should be interesting. They don't speak English, and I don't speak that great Japanese, but whatever. It's an experience! And that's what matters.
tl;dr?: I miss my boyfriend but hopefully things start speeding up. 7 more weeks!
(Oh. And my knees have been killing me for the past week. I can barely walk. Everytime I stand up, I almost always fall back down. I think its from the exercising I did at the Gym? I'm not sure. They made me do stretches afterward, so its not like I didn't cool down from it. And it's been a whole week without improvement. No fun.)
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
It's June...
and time is starting to slow down. I'm not having that much fun anymore. Just homework and stress and homework and stress. I spent the entire day in bed today. Tried going out and paying my electric bill and collapsed once I got back home. It might be a fever, but my face is sunburnt, so I can't really tell if I'm hot or not. I am so mentally exhausted. I just have to get through the next two months relatively unscathed. I hope it goes faster than it's going now. It's only the 7th. 50-some more days! I can do this.
By the way, I quit my diet. I don't want to look back on my Japan days and remember hunger & exercise pains. I'm eating whatever I want to eat now, albeit healthily. People seem to think that because I'm not on a diet, I'm going to just eat whatever is in sight and gain weight like no one's business. Thanks, guys. I'm feeling the love.
Ah, the love. I miss him.
By the way, I quit my diet. I don't want to look back on my Japan days and remember hunger & exercise pains. I'm eating whatever I want to eat now, albeit healthily. People seem to think that because I'm not on a diet, I'm going to just eat whatever is in sight and gain weight like no one's business. Thanks, guys. I'm feeling the love.
Ah, the love. I miss him.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
The Gym
Ever so self-conscious about my weight (being surrounded by so many skinny Japanese girls!), I made the decision to go to a "nearby" Sports Center and try working out, instead of just running around the block. It is starting to get way too hot to be running around, but in a gym, there's AC. And it's nice.
My friend In-chan went with me. She's Malaysian but studies in Tasmania. She's pretty cool ^_^ The center is 30 minutes away (!!) so it's already a work-out going there and back... But inside is good too. The staff was very friendly toward us and slow with their Japanese. I'm actually surprised at how well I could understand them. To an extent, anyway. I'm glad In-chan was with me - we have the same level of Japanese but her listening comprehension is better. So she helped me a lot.
I figured we'd go in and have some fun on the machines, but instead they set us up in our own little... personal training. Or something similar. We were beginners, so they gave us a list of things to do and how to do them and how long. We worked out for more than an hour~ But it was really nice. ^^ We're going again on Monday!
My friend In-chan went with me. She's Malaysian but studies in Tasmania. She's pretty cool ^_^ The center is 30 minutes away (!!) so it's already a work-out going there and back... But inside is good too. The staff was very friendly toward us and slow with their Japanese. I'm actually surprised at how well I could understand them. To an extent, anyway. I'm glad In-chan was with me - we have the same level of Japanese but her listening comprehension is better. So she helped me a lot.
I figured we'd go in and have some fun on the machines, but instead they set us up in our own little... personal training. Or something similar. We were beginners, so they gave us a list of things to do and how to do them and how long. We worked out for more than an hour~ But it was really nice. ^^ We're going again on Monday!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Nothing too crazy
has been happening across the seas in Japan Land. There's a Pot Luck party on the 17th, if thats considered cool. Everyone makes a typical dish from their respective home countries. I had no clue what counts as a typical American dish, so I'm gonna try to make burger sliders. Should be fun. =] Except the 17th is when we were going out to karaoke with a bunch of Japanese girls. I hope the Pot Luck doesn't get in the way of that.
Rain, rain, rain. That last post I made was a little misleading. It actually didn't rain Monday or Tuesday. But June 1st, right at the stroke of midnight, the heavens opened up to unleash its torrent of little, evil water demons. Gonna rain non-stop for a while. No fun! D=
Really hope the rain doesn't get in the way of my exercising. Because after the rain stops, its supposed to be summer summer, when it's really hot. And no one wants to run in the heat. Kinjo has a school gym but it is only open during certain times, and most are them are in the morning. I'd really rather not get all hot and nasty before my classes - there's no shower at the gym.
But my diet's going good. Lots of fruits and vegetables. Except... last night I caved a little. My body was so shaky and in actual pain from lack of protein - totally not used to it! How do the vegetarians survive?! Anyway, I went to the grocery store to buy carrots and bananas, and came out with a bunch of sushi and yakitori. And ate them! Bad Lauren >[ At least the only thing bad with sushi is the rice.... and yakitori, well, it's meat, but there's that sauce. Who knows whats in the sauce.
I'm not stopping until my belly looks flat like it did in High School! Rawr! D<
Rain, rain, rain. That last post I made was a little misleading. It actually didn't rain Monday or Tuesday. But June 1st, right at the stroke of midnight, the heavens opened up to unleash its torrent of little, evil water demons. Gonna rain non-stop for a while. No fun! D=
Really hope the rain doesn't get in the way of my exercising. Because after the rain stops, its supposed to be summer summer, when it's really hot. And no one wants to run in the heat. Kinjo has a school gym but it is only open during certain times, and most are them are in the morning. I'd really rather not get all hot and nasty before my classes - there's no shower at the gym.
But my diet's going good. Lots of fruits and vegetables. Except... last night I caved a little. My body was so shaky and in actual pain from lack of protein - totally not used to it! How do the vegetarians survive?! Anyway, I went to the grocery store to buy carrots and bananas, and came out with a bunch of sushi and yakitori. And ate them! Bad Lauren >[ At least the only thing bad with sushi is the rice.... and yakitori, well, it's meat, but there's that sauce. Who knows whats in the sauce.
I'm not stopping until my belly looks flat like it did in High School! Rawr! D<
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Rainy Season Hath Begun
And here we have the rainy season.... Or, as an article online put it, "Rainy Season Boot Camp." Meaning - no it's not quite rainy season, but the training period before it. Because it's only the end of May! We should have at least a couple days....
Oh well. Now is the time to be grumpy! First of all, I'm itchy. There are going to be bugs living in my room, due to the moist environment. I need to vacuum every week, lest there be a tick infestation. I need to find time to hang out my futon, or mold will grow. Mold will grow everywhere if I'm not careful.
Did I mention the bugs.
I want to buy a mosquito net but I don't think I'll be able to make it work over my bed, since it's a temporary room. Life is sad sometimes =P
I don't know where to run now either. I can try to take advantage of every sunny moment... That'll be exciting. =P
I do want to buy rain boots though, and maybe even a rain jacket to go along with my umbrella. I wonder if those are "in style" at all in Kinjo...? I feel bad enough wearing flip-flops when no one else does, hehe.
I'll figure it out! Two more months here. I'm half-way done. It's kind of bittersweet. I'll really miss my friends here, but at the same time, I'm not looking forward to the next month and a half being non-stop rain. Of course, once the rain stops, it'll be sunny - and that's when I'll need to come home! xD Oh well. It'll be awful summer weather. So that's one way to look at it.
Okay! Enough of this rant. Hope everyone is safe, warm & dry back in the States! <3 Love you!
Oh well. Now is the time to be grumpy! First of all, I'm itchy. There are going to be bugs living in my room, due to the moist environment. I need to vacuum every week, lest there be a tick infestation. I need to find time to hang out my futon, or mold will grow. Mold will grow everywhere if I'm not careful.
Did I mention the bugs.
I want to buy a mosquito net but I don't think I'll be able to make it work over my bed, since it's a temporary room. Life is sad sometimes =P
I don't know where to run now either. I can try to take advantage of every sunny moment... That'll be exciting. =P
I do want to buy rain boots though, and maybe even a rain jacket to go along with my umbrella. I wonder if those are "in style" at all in Kinjo...? I feel bad enough wearing flip-flops when no one else does, hehe.
I'll figure it out! Two more months here. I'm half-way done. It's kind of bittersweet. I'll really miss my friends here, but at the same time, I'm not looking forward to the next month and a half being non-stop rain. Of course, once the rain stops, it'll be sunny - and that's when I'll need to come home! xD Oh well. It'll be awful summer weather. So that's one way to look at it.
Okay! Enough of this rant. Hope everyone is safe, warm & dry back in the States! <3 Love you!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Went to Kyoto~ 京都行った!
Had a pretty cool day in Kyoto today. It was only a day trip, so I didn't do TOO much stuff, but it was very nice nonetheless. Except for the rain. It would have been nicer if that wasn't there. But you know, whatever. It was neat. =]
Woke up at 5:40 just to go, too. The bus ride was about 2 hours long, but it probably could've been shorter if we didn't keep stopping for breaks. I guess it's cause it's a bus of a 30-some people. Someone's bound to have to go to the bathroom at any second. But whatever, it's fine ^^
Our first stop was Kiyomizudera, a temple overlooking the city (beautiful views, although I didn't get many pictures of it). It's a UNESCO World Heritage sight, which is pretty cool ^_^ And dates back to 778! Except... the buildings we walked around in were built in 1633. Still pretty gosh darn old, though.
I had lunch here. Nat-chan, me, and 3 Japanese girls walked down a narrow road and found a modern ramen shop. It was delicious!! I couldn't stop thinking about my diet though xD It should be okay. Ramen doesn't have too many calories, and there was a bunch of meat, egg, and vegetables in it. Should be fine! - I really wanted to take a picture of the ramen, but I forgot Y__Y It was my first Ramen-eating experience, haha. Not including... the instant ramen.
After lunch, we boarded the bus and went off to a big shopping "mall" (term 'mall' here is completely different than an American mall. Think.... strip mall... but completely covered and in a grid shape ^^). We went into a little sweets shop and learned how to make yatsuhashi, which are these biscuit things one puts in, for instance, ice cream or parfaits. It is supposedly one of the best souvenirs one can take back from Kyoto.
I might add pictures of the making of these yatsuhashi. Or... you can check out my facebook. The latter is preferable, but maybe if I got some comments asking to post these to the blog, I'll know you actually care. But as of now, the only feedback I'm getting is on facebook, AIM, or e-mail =] I can't hear you!
Anywho! After that adventure, we wandered off to Nijou Jou, which was the first Shogun's castle. Ieyasu, anyone? It was built in 1603 and is an entire work of art in itself. The castle's a historic relic, and a National Treasure. So it was pretty amazing getting to walk through the place, (shoes off, as per custom.) The most notable part of this palace - besides its amazing garden - is the way they designed the floors. Wherever you walk, the hallways make loud squeaking noises, kind of like the chirping of birds. This was done on purpose, to awaken anyone in the castle if there were an ambush or attack. It was pretty cool ^_^
I enjoyed the garden so much, though. I transformed into "emotional Lori" and found everything so beautiful that I tried taking pictures of everything that was amazing to me. I love Japanese gardens. The way the shapes of everything come together. It's wonderful. I try to capture what I see on camera, but I am not a photographer Y__Y Nor an artist. I always wish I was though!
So after that... we boarded the bus and went home. =] So even though it was just a day in Kyoto, I feel like I did quite a lot! ^^ I even bought some souvenirs. Some traditional okashi, candy. I don't know what its called and I can't explain it very well at all ^__^; It's like... a very, very soft flour dumpling with anko, sweet bean paste, inside. They're amazing. I was continuing to be emotional Lori on the way home on the bus, and I ended up eating HALF of them!! OH man. So much for my diet.
Speaking of my diet, it's going good. The only time I've "splurged" is today, with eating half of those candies =/ Its okay though! I did a lot of walking today. And, I've been exercising. I didn't jog yesterday, Friday, because I already hurt so much from Thursday and I was afraid if I did, today - my trip to Kyoto - was going to be unbearable. So I'm going to continue jogging again tomorrow and Monday. I wanted to tonight, but my friends say I shouldn't after dark - I think its totally fine, but if I do end up getting mugged, all I'd hear is "I told you so!" and I don't really care for that... so I'll keep my jogging for the daytime. But! I am doing ab exercises. Sort of. I can't really do crunches - mainly because I don't have the muscles there to begin with. Mostly because it destroys my neck and back. Certainly my scoliosis doesn't help the back part - hopefully neck pain will go away in time.
And tonight's dinner is 2 hard boiled eggs, and a can of corn. Today I've eaten... 2 sticks of bread for breakfast (230 calories), a bowl of ramen (?? calories), random pieces of Japanese candy (too many calories probably!!), and corn and eggs (?? calories). So... I dunno. I did ab exercises for about 20 minutes. And walked all day.
We'll see what happens. I really want to get into that 5 small meals a day thing, instead of 3 or 2 meals. Not quite sure how to make a "small meal." How can it be a meal if it's small? =/ I also find it really hard to eat breakfast, and that's supposed to be the largest of all 5 meals. Guh. I need a professional!
Okay well that's all for tonight. ^^; Hope everyone's having a good summer!
Woke up at 5:40 just to go, too. The bus ride was about 2 hours long, but it probably could've been shorter if we didn't keep stopping for breaks. I guess it's cause it's a bus of a 30-some people. Someone's bound to have to go to the bathroom at any second. But whatever, it's fine ^^
Our first stop was Kiyomizudera, a temple overlooking the city (beautiful views, although I didn't get many pictures of it). It's a UNESCO World Heritage sight, which is pretty cool ^_^ And dates back to 778! Except... the buildings we walked around in were built in 1633. Still pretty gosh darn old, though.
![]() | |
I didn't take this picture; found it online ^^ I was there though! |
After lunch, we boarded the bus and went off to a big shopping "mall" (term 'mall' here is completely different than an American mall. Think.... strip mall... but completely covered and in a grid shape ^^). We went into a little sweets shop and learned how to make yatsuhashi, which are these biscuit things one puts in, for instance, ice cream or parfaits. It is supposedly one of the best souvenirs one can take back from Kyoto.
I might add pictures of the making of these yatsuhashi. Or... you can check out my facebook. The latter is preferable, but maybe if I got some comments asking to post these to the blog, I'll know you actually care. But as of now, the only feedback I'm getting is on facebook, AIM, or e-mail =] I can't hear you!
Anywho! After that adventure, we wandered off to Nijou Jou, which was the first Shogun's castle. Ieyasu, anyone? It was built in 1603 and is an entire work of art in itself. The castle's a historic relic, and a National Treasure. So it was pretty amazing getting to walk through the place, (shoes off, as per custom.) The most notable part of this palace - besides its amazing garden - is the way they designed the floors. Wherever you walk, the hallways make loud squeaking noises, kind of like the chirping of birds. This was done on purpose, to awaken anyone in the castle if there were an ambush or attack. It was pretty cool ^_^
I enjoyed the garden so much, though. I transformed into "emotional Lori" and found everything so beautiful that I tried taking pictures of everything that was amazing to me. I love Japanese gardens. The way the shapes of everything come together. It's wonderful. I try to capture what I see on camera, but I am not a photographer Y__Y Nor an artist. I always wish I was though!
So after that... we boarded the bus and went home. =] So even though it was just a day in Kyoto, I feel like I did quite a lot! ^^ I even bought some souvenirs. Some traditional okashi, candy. I don't know what its called and I can't explain it very well at all ^__^; It's like... a very, very soft flour dumpling with anko, sweet bean paste, inside. They're amazing. I was continuing to be emotional Lori on the way home on the bus, and I ended up eating HALF of them!! OH man. So much for my diet.
Speaking of my diet, it's going good. The only time I've "splurged" is today, with eating half of those candies =/ Its okay though! I did a lot of walking today. And, I've been exercising. I didn't jog yesterday, Friday, because I already hurt so much from Thursday and I was afraid if I did, today - my trip to Kyoto - was going to be unbearable. So I'm going to continue jogging again tomorrow and Monday. I wanted to tonight, but my friends say I shouldn't after dark - I think its totally fine, but if I do end up getting mugged, all I'd hear is "I told you so!" and I don't really care for that... so I'll keep my jogging for the daytime. But! I am doing ab exercises. Sort of. I can't really do crunches - mainly because I don't have the muscles there to begin with. Mostly because it destroys my neck and back. Certainly my scoliosis doesn't help the back part - hopefully neck pain will go away in time.
And tonight's dinner is 2 hard boiled eggs, and a can of corn. Today I've eaten... 2 sticks of bread for breakfast (230 calories), a bowl of ramen (?? calories), random pieces of Japanese candy (too many calories probably!!), and corn and eggs (?? calories). So... I dunno. I did ab exercises for about 20 minutes. And walked all day.
We'll see what happens. I really want to get into that 5 small meals a day thing, instead of 3 or 2 meals. Not quite sure how to make a "small meal." How can it be a meal if it's small? =/ I also find it really hard to eat breakfast, and that's supposed to be the largest of all 5 meals. Guh. I need a professional!
Okay well that's all for tonight. ^^; Hope everyone's having a good summer!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Haven't been Updating
I'm sorry, followers! I haven't updated in about a month Y__Y I suck so much! Don't hate me. (I'm actually more worried about hating myself, 20 years down the road when I want to re-visit my semester in Japan. =])
Updating has become some sort of chore for me. Especially! adding photos. You guys really need to check out my Facebook, hehe. The photos come with captions and everything! It's very special. ^_^
Anyways, not much has happened since my last post. Except that's a total lie. I went to Osaka & Nara for Golden Week (the beginning of May). It was tons of fun ^_^ Dad bought us a super awesome hotel because he's the BEST, so I got to save a lot of money. I think that trip might be one of the things that sticks with me.
Another "exciting" thing that happened - perhaps - was last weekend, I went to stay at a Japanese family's house for "homestay." Only, it was really just a sleepover =] It was a lot of fun. I think I'd learn Japanese 10x faster if I was in homestay my entire semester, but... I do like my solitude at the dorms. They both have their pros/cons...
This weekend I'm visiting Kyoto! Just for a couple hours though. I'll be sure to try to update, haha ^_^
I have to be in a good mood... Lately I've been depressed, but not because I'm homesick anymore. I'm having a huge problem with my weight. I'm 5'4, maybe 5'5, and weigh 130lbs, which isn't awful, but none of my clothes fit when they're for 100lb girls, and it's really bringing me down. I can't wear anything without having a huge muffin top. Also, my stomach is ultimate beer belly. It's awful. And it definitely doesn't help that every Japanese girl here is stunning and slender and fit.
So instead of "hoping" I'll lose weight just by existing in Japan, I'm gonna try to start working out and eating healthy. It's Day #1! I woke up early this morning and jogged for 15 minutes (a lot for me! I was so dizzy afterward), and then tried a 10 minute ab exercise via youtube. I don't think my body was made for abs or exercise at all. I somehow managed to destroy my shoulder(!) and had to lie on the ground for like a whole 5 minutes before I could move again, haha. OH man, I'm going to kill myself. I need to find a personal trainer. I don't think I have the abs to do any exercise with them... I need help xD
Anyway, the jogging and the abs took about 30 minutes. I'm gonna do it again later tonight, so that'll be a full 60 minutes of activity a day. And I'm also cutting out all junk food, including soda and alcohol. I have an "occasionally" only rule. Meaning, hey if my friends have money & I'm out, then go ahead and drink. -- Oh and I'm gonna try not to eat anything after 6pm, because of ... science ...
So, hello month of counting calories and destroying my body! I really hope I can keep up with this. I really want to be skinny again. I really hate myself whenever I eat anything. I feel so huge ><;
Okay! That's enough of that. Total non-Japan related. Sorry! I'll try to update more often ok ^^;
I'm sorry, followers! I haven't updated in about a month Y__Y I suck so much! Don't hate me. (I'm actually more worried about hating myself, 20 years down the road when I want to re-visit my semester in Japan. =])
Updating has become some sort of chore for me. Especially! adding photos. You guys really need to check out my Facebook, hehe. The photos come with captions and everything! It's very special. ^_^
Anyways, not much has happened since my last post. Except that's a total lie. I went to Osaka & Nara for Golden Week (the beginning of May). It was tons of fun ^_^ Dad bought us a super awesome hotel because he's the BEST, so I got to save a lot of money. I think that trip might be one of the things that sticks with me.
Another "exciting" thing that happened - perhaps - was last weekend, I went to stay at a Japanese family's house for "homestay." Only, it was really just a sleepover =] It was a lot of fun. I think I'd learn Japanese 10x faster if I was in homestay my entire semester, but... I do like my solitude at the dorms. They both have their pros/cons...
This weekend I'm visiting Kyoto! Just for a couple hours though. I'll be sure to try to update, haha ^_^
I have to be in a good mood... Lately I've been depressed, but not because I'm homesick anymore. I'm having a huge problem with my weight. I'm 5'4, maybe 5'5, and weigh 130lbs, which isn't awful, but none of my clothes fit when they're for 100lb girls, and it's really bringing me down. I can't wear anything without having a huge muffin top. Also, my stomach is ultimate beer belly. It's awful. And it definitely doesn't help that every Japanese girl here is stunning and slender and fit.
So instead of "hoping" I'll lose weight just by existing in Japan, I'm gonna try to start working out and eating healthy. It's Day #1! I woke up early this morning and jogged for 15 minutes (a lot for me! I was so dizzy afterward), and then tried a 10 minute ab exercise via youtube. I don't think my body was made for abs or exercise at all. I somehow managed to destroy my shoulder(!) and had to lie on the ground for like a whole 5 minutes before I could move again, haha. OH man, I'm going to kill myself. I need to find a personal trainer. I don't think I have the abs to do any exercise with them... I need help xD
Anyway, the jogging and the abs took about 30 minutes. I'm gonna do it again later tonight, so that'll be a full 60 minutes of activity a day. And I'm also cutting out all junk food, including soda and alcohol. I have an "occasionally" only rule. Meaning, hey if my friends have money & I'm out, then go ahead and drink. -- Oh and I'm gonna try not to eat anything after 6pm, because of ... science ...
So, hello month of counting calories and destroying my body! I really hope I can keep up with this. I really want to be skinny again. I really hate myself whenever I eat anything. I feel so huge ><;
Okay! That's enough of that. Total non-Japan related. Sorry! I'll try to update more often ok ^^;
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Posts are slowing down =] a bit more obviously now. I've been doing a lot of things, but nothing really post-worthy. I don't want to bore anyone ^_^ But I suppose yesterday was uber-Japan related. We woke up super early (on a Saturday morninggg) for a Field Trip to Osu. Osu is basically a little town on the outskirts of Sakae, the main city/district where I live. We went with my Japanese Culture class - the one that doesn't speak any English. It was pretty cool, apart from the rain. We went to second-hand kimono shops and looked around. Some people bought things, but I'm saving my souvenir shopping for when I come home.
By the way, let me know what kind of gift you want for when I come home. =] Comment or facebook or whatever. I already have a list of things to give Sean. I keep running into Pokemon stuff! Like today - pokemon bandaids. Can't find this stuff in the States! Will definitely want to take that home ^_^ But yeah, let me know. If it happens to be expensive you can send me money through PayPal.
Back on subject. I didn't bring my camera to Osu because I'm retarded, but I did use Nat-chan's video camera the entire time. ^_^ I'll see if I can make something out of the video footage, once I've got my hands on it.
The field trip ended at around 11am and we were supposed to meet up with two Japanese girls from school, but everyone decided to leave except Nat-chan and I. We had a TON of fun of them though. We didn't really do anything except PuriCura... They showed us some supa kawaii stores in Osu. And then we sat in a coffee shop and talked and talked and it was a lot of fun. I spoke in Japanese that entire afternoon ^_^ A great experience, really. I feel more confident with my speaking ability and my desire to study more has been heightened. So yay for that.
Last night we didn't do anything at all, which sucks cause it was a Saturday night. I was dead tired anyway from being out all day.
Today I haven't done anything either, but thats okay. I need a break. I've been doing nothing but homework today... which is actually a lie. I've only gotten 2 assignments done. The rest of the day has been spent watching anime. Yay, productivity. I'll finish the rest of my stuff sometime this week ^^.
Ooh Golden Week starts on Friday~ I wonder what we could do. =] Traveling will be so expensive, but supposedly there will be a lot of sales going on. Shopping in Sakae, anyone?! Oooh but I really do want to visit Nara before I leave Japan... Dilemma...
Well anywho. Until next time, minna <3
By the way, let me know what kind of gift you want for when I come home. =] Comment or facebook or whatever. I already have a list of things to give Sean. I keep running into Pokemon stuff! Like today - pokemon bandaids. Can't find this stuff in the States! Will definitely want to take that home ^_^ But yeah, let me know. If it happens to be expensive you can send me money through PayPal.
Back on subject. I didn't bring my camera to Osu because I'm retarded, but I did use Nat-chan's video camera the entire time. ^_^ I'll see if I can make something out of the video footage, once I've got my hands on it.
The field trip ended at around 11am and we were supposed to meet up with two Japanese girls from school, but everyone decided to leave except Nat-chan and I. We had a TON of fun of them though. We didn't really do anything except PuriCura... They showed us some supa kawaii stores in Osu. And then we sat in a coffee shop and talked and talked and it was a lot of fun. I spoke in Japanese that entire afternoon ^_^ A great experience, really. I feel more confident with my speaking ability and my desire to study more has been heightened. So yay for that.
Last night we didn't do anything at all, which sucks cause it was a Saturday night. I was dead tired anyway from being out all day.
Today I haven't done anything either, but thats okay. I need a break. I've been doing nothing but homework today... which is actually a lie. I've only gotten 2 assignments done. The rest of the day has been spent watching anime. Yay, productivity. I'll finish the rest of my stuff sometime this week ^^.
Ooh Golden Week starts on Friday~ I wonder what we could do. =] Traveling will be so expensive, but supposedly there will be a lot of sales going on. Shopping in Sakae, anyone?! Oooh but I really do want to visit Nara before I leave Japan... Dilemma...
Well anywho. Until next time, minna <3
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Things are Better
I am going to go ahead and blame my emo on sleep deprivation. I'm not necessarily deprived, but I have been very sleepy recently. That generally causes me to be... well, upset. About things. So! More sleep in the future. Kay ^^;
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Genki janai...
The depression has started to sink in its shadowy fingers. I'm not too happy right now. And I wasn't too happy yesterday. Classes have begun and I'm not busy doing exciting things anymore. Yeah, the weekend was a lot of fun. Sunday was spent recuperating, and since then I've been spiraling downward. Not sure where I'm going, I can't really control things anymore.
I really don't want to sit here and write an emo heavy post, but I'm afraid that's what it has come to.
Little things are setting me off. I feel responsible for each and every individual, making sure everyone is satisfied with me. I feel a pressure of doing things just right, or have my life get fucked up. And when something goes wrong, I get 50lbs of earth lodged in my chest, and I can't breathe.
I have no willpower to do anything. I've run out of clean clothes, and everythings just scattered on the floor. I have a pile of school papers next to my desk that have yet to find a home anywhere. But I can't bring myself to care.
I've also pretty much decided that there is very little I'm going to learn here. My classes are so low level, I have no will to self-study, so I'm just going to stay where I am the entire time. How hopeless.
It's not that I want to go home. In fact, I don't want to. I like it here, and I love Japan. My friends are so nice and I'm always being given the opportunity to do something, or go somewhere. So - I'm not homesick. Just... generally... depressed.
It's really very awful. I want to spend the rest of the day in bed, but I am going shoe shopping. Hopefully that will cheer me up.
I really don't want to sit here and write an emo heavy post, but I'm afraid that's what it has come to.
Little things are setting me off. I feel responsible for each and every individual, making sure everyone is satisfied with me. I feel a pressure of doing things just right, or have my life get fucked up. And when something goes wrong, I get 50lbs of earth lodged in my chest, and I can't breathe.
I have no willpower to do anything. I've run out of clean clothes, and everythings just scattered on the floor. I have a pile of school papers next to my desk that have yet to find a home anywhere. But I can't bring myself to care.
I've also pretty much decided that there is very little I'm going to learn here. My classes are so low level, I have no will to self-study, so I'm just going to stay where I am the entire time. How hopeless.
It's not that I want to go home. In fact, I don't want to. I like it here, and I love Japan. My friends are so nice and I'm always being given the opportunity to do something, or go somewhere. So - I'm not homesick. Just... generally... depressed.
It's really very awful. I want to spend the rest of the day in bed, but I am going shoe shopping. Hopefully that will cheer me up.
Friday, April 15, 2011
A Lil Update: Classes...
Allo~! So I'm not as stressed as was in the last post. My second culture class was pretty awesome. The 2nd "international student - designed" class. The Chinese and the Koreans and the Thai and etc. were not in this class, just us English and French and Polish. And a girl from Malaysia & Australia whose name is In-chan and is new to all the other classes I'm in ^_^
But the class was pretty cool. Instead of talking about the history or government of Japan, we started talking about the actual "psychological" culture of the people - such as behaviors, gestures, traditions, etc. There was a neat graph on the powerpoint that showed where an American vs. a Japanese is "allowed" to be touched (friendly touch!) by other people. The Japanese were not to be touched pretty much anywhere, but the Americans touchy zones were highlighted all over. Apparently, because I'm American, I am comfortable with a friend of the opposite sex touching me virtually anywhere except my shins... I find something wrong with this study...
This class was in Japanese, but easy Japanese, and she reviewed everything with English afterwards. =] Very helpful.
At lunch it kind of dawned on me that I need 16 credits this semester to keep my scholarship. And I'm only taking 12 I think? Feels like enough already! But I'm trying to add two more "bull shit" classes to complete my requirements... Classes that shouldn't require too much work. So far I've added an American Culture class taught in English, which should be a lot of fun. Secondly I'm trying to get into an English class to see if I can get any experience teaching, or at least tutoring, and by getting some college credit out of it. That would look great on resumes, don't you think?
I haven't been taking too many pictures lately, if I've been taking any at all. Nothing exciting has been happening. And I'm kind of scared to say, my blog posts might start dwindling away soon. Today I got my cellphone (w00t?), and tomorrow I am going shoe shopping (because I finally got my scholarship!). I don't know what we're doing after that but I'll be sure to bring my camera along just in case.
^_^ Sore ja... mata ne, minna <3
(PS. I hit 2,000 page views! Hooray~)
But the class was pretty cool. Instead of talking about the history or government of Japan, we started talking about the actual "psychological" culture of the people - such as behaviors, gestures, traditions, etc. There was a neat graph on the powerpoint that showed where an American vs. a Japanese is "allowed" to be touched (friendly touch!) by other people. The Japanese were not to be touched pretty much anywhere, but the Americans touchy zones were highlighted all over. Apparently, because I'm American, I am comfortable with a friend of the opposite sex touching me virtually anywhere except my shins... I find something wrong with this study...
This class was in Japanese, but easy Japanese, and she reviewed everything with English afterwards. =] Very helpful.
At lunch it kind of dawned on me that I need 16 credits this semester to keep my scholarship. And I'm only taking 12 I think? Feels like enough already! But I'm trying to add two more "bull shit" classes to complete my requirements... Classes that shouldn't require too much work. So far I've added an American Culture class taught in English, which should be a lot of fun. Secondly I'm trying to get into an English class to see if I can get any experience teaching, or at least tutoring, and by getting some college credit out of it. That would look great on resumes, don't you think?
I haven't been taking too many pictures lately, if I've been taking any at all. Nothing exciting has been happening. And I'm kind of scared to say, my blog posts might start dwindling away soon. Today I got my cellphone (w00t?), and tomorrow I am going shoe shopping (because I finally got my scholarship!). I don't know what we're doing after that but I'll be sure to bring my camera along just in case.
^_^ Sore ja... mata ne, minna <3
(PS. I hit 2,000 page views! Hooray~)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
A Little Overwhelmed... Again...
Ehh. Okay. Things have been really nice here at Kinjo. But it's really starting to get to me that Chelsea and I are the only two "first semester" English only speakers here. Nat-chan is kind of in the same boat, but has a lot of experience learning different languages (uwa~ she knows Polish, English, French, Russian, German, and learning Japanese. Sugoi desu ne...). Oh and by first semester, I mean not having previously learned Japanese in a.. Japanese environment. At Kinjo.
So... the three of us... mostly Chelsea and I, I suspect... can't really speak Japanese that well.
So we were put into really beginner level Japanese classes. As in, we're re-learning "te-form" and particle usages (such as when to use 'de', when to use 'ni', etc). Which in all fairness is helpful I guess... I am learning some new words as we go along. And we're practicing reading & listening comprehension, which I'm pretty awful at. The conversation teachers also give us hints on how to be informal.
Okay so the language classes are fine. I shouldn't have any trouble at all.
Then there are the Culture classes. The three of us are taking 3 culture classes at the moment. One of them I've already talked about - it's for Japanese students who want to practice their English. The class is in English. Very nice. Not what I'm in Japan for, but whatever.
Today I had my first culture class that is designed for international students, and the only other classes available to us. Unfortunately... it was completely in Japanese. Completely. Because! All the other international students are so good at Japanese already, they follow her pretty easily. And it's fine for them. But I sat there the entire class so entirely lost, trying to write down anything I could catch, anything I slightly understood.
Yes, it's the entire reason I'm in Japan. To be immersed in the language. I understand that. And I'm extremely grateful not all of my classes are taught in English. I wouldn't be able to learn that way. It wouldn't be fair for the Chinese or Korean girls, too.
But when they put me in a class I have no choice in taking, that's in an entirely different language, and expect me to pass it - as in, write 3 page papers about "what I've learned" every 2 weeks - that's when I get a little emotional. And extremely overwhelmed.
I just don't understand why they put us in a Japanese class that doesn't teach us Japanese (exaggeration; I mean to say new material, stuff I don't know), and then put us in another class that's way too advanced for my comprehension.
I'm this close to asking my neighbor for a smoke. I won't. But it's extremely tempting...
Ehhhh I'll get over it eventually! It was my first class, and it's my second week in Japan, I suppose I'm expected to not know what's going on. (My plan to pass this class is to write down what I can in this class, and wiki it for the papers I need to write. Beat that, system!)
No pictures today, which sucks, because there was this gorgeous scene earlier today and I didn't have my camera! Despair. We walked out of the train station and the Sakura was falling like snow~! It was the most beautiful thing...
But that is all. Hope everyone is doing well ^__^ <3
So... the three of us... mostly Chelsea and I, I suspect... can't really speak Japanese that well.
So we were put into really beginner level Japanese classes. As in, we're re-learning "te-form" and particle usages (such as when to use 'de', when to use 'ni', etc). Which in all fairness is helpful I guess... I am learning some new words as we go along. And we're practicing reading & listening comprehension, which I'm pretty awful at. The conversation teachers also give us hints on how to be informal.
Okay so the language classes are fine. I shouldn't have any trouble at all.
Then there are the Culture classes. The three of us are taking 3 culture classes at the moment. One of them I've already talked about - it's for Japanese students who want to practice their English. The class is in English. Very nice. Not what I'm in Japan for, but whatever.
Today I had my first culture class that is designed for international students, and the only other classes available to us. Unfortunately... it was completely in Japanese. Completely. Because! All the other international students are so good at Japanese already, they follow her pretty easily. And it's fine for them. But I sat there the entire class so entirely lost, trying to write down anything I could catch, anything I slightly understood.
Yes, it's the entire reason I'm in Japan. To be immersed in the language. I understand that. And I'm extremely grateful not all of my classes are taught in English. I wouldn't be able to learn that way. It wouldn't be fair for the Chinese or Korean girls, too.
But when they put me in a class I have no choice in taking, that's in an entirely different language, and expect me to pass it - as in, write 3 page papers about "what I've learned" every 2 weeks - that's when I get a little emotional. And extremely overwhelmed.
I just don't understand why they put us in a Japanese class that doesn't teach us Japanese (exaggeration; I mean to say new material, stuff I don't know), and then put us in another class that's way too advanced for my comprehension.
I'm this close to asking my neighbor for a smoke. I won't. But it's extremely tempting...
Ehhhh I'll get over it eventually! It was my first class, and it's my second week in Japan, I suppose I'm expected to not know what's going on. (My plan to pass this class is to write down what I can in this class, and wiki it for the papers I need to write. Beat that, system!)
No pictures today, which sucks, because there was this gorgeous scene earlier today and I didn't have my camera! Despair. We walked out of the train station and the Sakura was falling like snow~! It was the most beautiful thing...
But that is all. Hope everyone is doing well ^__^ <3
Walking to Kinjo
So I thought it'd be a pretty cute idea to make a little music video with footage of me walking to class in the morning~ A lot of people have been asking me about that.
It didn't turn out so very well xD I had to make some parts super fast in order to get it all to fit into the song. But, it's good enough for now, right?
Enjoy ^^;
It didn't turn out so very well xD I had to make some parts super fast in order to get it all to fit into the song. But, it's good enough for now, right?
Enjoy ^^;
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Sakura Love
If you couldn't tell, I am in crazy love with the nearby sakura...
PS. I finally figured out how to focus my camera shots. Uwah. I'm so n00b.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Eccentric Flutterbye
Uwah~ new layout =] It's a spinoff of the old layout. Same picture (if you can call it a picture?) just... different theme, I guess. It's busy, but I like it! I call it Eccentric Flutterbye, because the old one was called simply Flutterbye. And this one. Is. Eccentric. I suppose.
I had a nice night. After cleaning my room all day (yay it looks so much nicer!), Ai-chan's friend Tei-chan took us to a super authentic sushi bar. I know the family is going to freak, but they assured me nonstop all day that the sushi was safe, and I really did not want to pass up this opportunity. We got to watch the sushi chef do his work and it was a very educational experience. I ate so many things I have never seen before! I even ate a shrimp head. Amg. o.o;
Sadly, I randomly decidde to be homesick right in the middle of dinner, for absolutely no reason. Nothing reminded me of home, yet all of a sudden, this rush of "I miss Sean" enveloped my entire being and I was so shaken... I could barely eat or talk to anyone. It took a lot of strength to not start crying at the table. Why did I have to get so emotional now, of all times! ... It was very mysterious.
The feeling subsided once we started walking home. Damn was it cold. And then we missed the train by barely 10 seconds and had to wait 15 minutes for the next one... Once we got home though, I got to my room and just cried and cried until Sean was randomly online (he hadn't gone to class yet! victory!) and he made me laugh... And I felt better so I coded this layout.
Thanks, emotions, for ruining dinner. You better not come back for a good couple weeks, now! I think I deserve it. D<
In other news.... there needs to stop being earthquakes!! I haven't felt any yet but my neighbors keep reporting them. "Did you feel it?! Did you feel it?!" No, I didn't. But poor northern Japan. Why, Earth! Why. D:
And that's it. I'm gonna start posting some pictures now. I still need to add pictures for the post I made this morning! Uwaaaah. Again - if you want a wider selection of photos, I add all the stuff I take to my facebook. I only put a couple on blogger because, as I've mentioned before, it's tedious. But I will anyway, for the sake of chronicling =] if ... that's a word...
Ja ne! <3
I had a nice night. After cleaning my room all day (yay it looks so much nicer!), Ai-chan's friend Tei-chan took us to a super authentic sushi bar. I know the family is going to freak, but they assured me nonstop all day that the sushi was safe, and I really did not want to pass up this opportunity. We got to watch the sushi chef do his work and it was a very educational experience. I ate so many things I have never seen before! I even ate a shrimp head. Amg. o.o;
Sadly, I randomly decidde to be homesick right in the middle of dinner, for absolutely no reason. Nothing reminded me of home, yet all of a sudden, this rush of "I miss Sean" enveloped my entire being and I was so shaken... I could barely eat or talk to anyone. It took a lot of strength to not start crying at the table. Why did I have to get so emotional now, of all times! ... It was very mysterious.
The feeling subsided once we started walking home. Damn was it cold. And then we missed the train by barely 10 seconds and had to wait 15 minutes for the next one... Once we got home though, I got to my room and just cried and cried until Sean was randomly online (he hadn't gone to class yet! victory!) and he made me laugh... And I felt better so I coded this layout.
Thanks, emotions, for ruining dinner. You better not come back for a good couple weeks, now! I think I deserve it. D<
In other news.... there needs to stop being earthquakes!! I haven't felt any yet but my neighbors keep reporting them. "Did you feel it?! Did you feel it?!" No, I didn't. But poor northern Japan. Why, Earth! Why. D:
And that's it. I'm gonna start posting some pictures now. I still need to add pictures for the post I made this morning! Uwaaaah. Again - if you want a wider selection of photos, I add all the stuff I take to my facebook. I only put a couple on blogger because, as I've mentioned before, it's tedious. But I will anyway, for the sake of chronicling =] if ... that's a word...
Ja ne! <3
Karaoke & Nagoya Castle
CONDENSED UPDATE TIIIIME. So sorry to those who follow my blog~ I've been so ridiculously exhausted recently. Last night I actually felt physically ill and had to stay in bed with my laptop. I cuddled up in the covers and watched some shoujo anime and j-dorama. (Kobato, ending of Hana Yori Dango movie, and first episode of Koizora - if you were curious). Another main reason I haven't updated is because of the tediousness of adding photos. Blogger is forcing me to make my own tables (for those who under html), which is fine, just annoying when you have to keep switching between Edit HTML and Compose. And then uploading the pictures takes ages on this thing. Probably because they're large files... I could change that.
So! I'm going to be quick with this. And direct you to my facebook in the meantime, because I upload 100% of my pictures there. On blogger, I tend to pick and choose.
Karaoke was Saturday night. I had a blast!! It was great. I went with Chelsea, Natchan, Ai-chan, Ai-chan's friend Chiaki (Tiaki?), and my old conversation partners Yuka and Akane! Whom I haven't seen in so long, and it was great to hang out with them again. They are SO cute. Akane took charge of essentially everything, it was awesome. She's really excited to have us in Japan. She's like our own little tourguide! Kind of.
Ah, but what a magical night. I'd go to karaoke every night if I could. Even if I don't know any songs =P! They have a magical thing known as nomihoudai, translating to all you can drink! At 7, you go upstairs to the bar with your glass, and they fill it with any alcohol you want! All night! Whenever! It was great.
The next day Akane and Yuka took us out to Nagoya Castle for hanami, or flower viewing. Wow, the area was so entirely gorgeous. I made a whole new photo album on facebook for the amount of pictures I took! =P I'm so glad I came to Kinjo in the spring. If I had missed the Sakura... I'd seriously be missing out on all that is Japan.
That night, however, I got kinda sick. Felt like I have been overexerting myself and was really nauseous. Makes sense though, every day since I got here has been this intense "ZOMGJAPAN" sensation, and its really taking a toll on my body.
Bright side is I think my sleeping pattern is back to normal. Unfortunately, my feet are in so much pain, its ridiculous. I think with my scholarship money (that I'm getting later today), I'm gonna spend it on a nice pair of shoes. That don't destroy my feet.
So! I'm going to be quick with this. And direct you to my facebook in the meantime, because I upload 100% of my pictures there. On blogger, I tend to pick and choose.
Karaoke was Saturday night. I had a blast!! It was great. I went with Chelsea, Natchan, Ai-chan, Ai-chan's friend Chiaki (Tiaki?), and my old conversation partners Yuka and Akane! Whom I haven't seen in so long, and it was great to hang out with them again. They are SO cute. Akane took charge of essentially everything, it was awesome. She's really excited to have us in Japan. She's like our own little tourguide! Kind of.
Ah, but what a magical night. I'd go to karaoke every night if I could. Even if I don't know any songs =P! They have a magical thing known as nomihoudai, translating to all you can drink! At 7, you go upstairs to the bar with your glass, and they fill it with any alcohol you want! All night! Whenever! It was great.
The next day Akane and Yuka took us out to Nagoya Castle for hanami, or flower viewing. Wow, the area was so entirely gorgeous. I made a whole new photo album on facebook for the amount of pictures I took! =P I'm so glad I came to Kinjo in the spring. If I had missed the Sakura... I'd seriously be missing out on all that is Japan.
That night, however, I got kinda sick. Felt like I have been overexerting myself and was really nauseous. Makes sense though, every day since I got here has been this intense "ZOMGJAPAN" sensation, and its really taking a toll on my body.
Bright side is I think my sleeping pattern is back to normal. Unfortunately, my feet are in so much pain, its ridiculous. I think with my scholarship money (that I'm getting later today), I'm gonna spend it on a nice pair of shoes. That don't destroy my feet.
Friday, April 8, 2011
First Day of Class
First day of classes were today! Only had 2 classes, but that's enough to write about =]. First class was Japanese 202 Kanji. Everything we went over was basically review, the lady thought we were dumb. In her defense, we were having massive brain farts, and boy were they smelly. I did learn some new kanji, so yay. Test next week. Gotta remember them all!
Next class was "Japanese Culture Taught in English" which is a class not necessarily designed for exchange students, but instead designed for whoever wants to learn Japanese culture while practicing their English at the same time. Only 4 English people were actually there - me, Chelsea, Nat-chan, and Ai-chan. The teacher revered us for being able to speak English. I feel awesome.
The classes themselves were fairly uneventful. Just regular classes. Except, the only people in our Japanese 202 class are me, Chelsea, and Nat-chan. Lol. I'm hoping the extremely small class size will allow us to advance quickly. Everything feels like review... I think because we bombed the placement test so badly. They think we're idiots.
Which we are.
I'm just kind of scared that my Japanese will not have improved by the end of the semester. I only have 4 months to WoW my friends at how well I can speak Japanese!! Not entirely confident about that happening...
We'll see.
After that, CIEP (Center for International Exchange Programs) took everyone out for free BOWLING. The bowling alley looked really cool - it was powered by SEGA, and the third floor was an entire arcade, and the second floor was karaoke and stuff. Only we weren't allowed up there and bowled for two hours instead. BUT it was a lot of fun! My Japanese basically only consisted of "Ah sugoi!" everytime someone got a strike or a spare. Fun stuff. =]
That's all for tonight. I'm gonna try to sleep in tomorrow, yay! My first not-so-jet-lagged weekend! Hehe we'll see how late I can do it. I usually find myself waking up at 4 or 5 and wanting to get online just so I can talk to people - even if I'm still tired. Bad Lori. Stoppit.
Tomorrow I'm going to Sakae for SHOPPING and KARAOKE. Excited!!
JA~ baibai!
Next class was "Japanese Culture Taught in English" which is a class not necessarily designed for exchange students, but instead designed for whoever wants to learn Japanese culture while practicing their English at the same time. Only 4 English people were actually there - me, Chelsea, Nat-chan, and Ai-chan. The teacher revered us for being able to speak English. I feel awesome.
The classes themselves were fairly uneventful. Just regular classes. Except, the only people in our Japanese 202 class are me, Chelsea, and Nat-chan. Lol. I'm hoping the extremely small class size will allow us to advance quickly. Everything feels like review... I think because we bombed the placement test so badly. They think we're idiots.
Which we are.
I'm just kind of scared that my Japanese will not have improved by the end of the semester. I only have 4 months to WoW my friends at how well I can speak Japanese!! Not entirely confident about that happening...
We'll see.
After that, CIEP (Center for International Exchange Programs) took everyone out for free BOWLING. The bowling alley looked really cool - it was powered by SEGA, and the third floor was an entire arcade, and the second floor was karaoke and stuff. Only we weren't allowed up there and bowled for two hours instead. BUT it was a lot of fun! My Japanese basically only consisted of "Ah sugoi!" everytime someone got a strike or a spare. Fun stuff. =]
That's all for tonight. I'm gonna try to sleep in tomorrow, yay! My first not-so-jet-lagged weekend! Hehe we'll see how late I can do it. I usually find myself waking up at 4 or 5 and wanting to get online just so I can talk to people - even if I'm still tired. Bad Lori. Stoppit.
Tomorrow I'm going to Sakae for SHOPPING and KARAOKE. Excited!!
JA~ baibai!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Orientation, Day 4
Absolutely no point to this post whatsoever. Just letting everyone know that Day 4 of orientation was long and boring and uneventful. Actually, that's a lie. I did pick up my inkan, which is my personal seal stamp. It says ローレン on it. (Lauren). With that I was able to make a bank account. So... hooray. I have a bank account. Only - I have to wait a week for the card to arrive, so I can't really use it yet. Whatever. It only has 100yen in it because I didn't want to add more to it yet.
You can deposit moneys at an ATM here. Cool, right? I don't have to take the train every time I want to deposit moneys.
The tip of my toe is numb and has been numb since early High School, only I'm noticing it more and more now. I think it's more nerve damage than it is diabetes or whatever.
Wow, seriously off topic. Starting to ramble. This is bad. Poor blog /patpat.
So, er, yeah. Got my inkan, made a bank account, then went to the school for a video about safety when riding a bicycle, and then had an orientation on how to use the computer and the email. Snore.
Tomorrow my first class starts! AMG.
You can deposit moneys at an ATM here. Cool, right? I don't have to take the train every time I want to deposit moneys.
The tip of my toe is numb and has been numb since early High School, only I'm noticing it more and more now. I think it's more nerve damage than it is diabetes or whatever.
Wow, seriously off topic. Starting to ramble. This is bad. Poor blog /patpat.
So, er, yeah. Got my inkan, made a bank account, then went to the school for a video about safety when riding a bicycle, and then had an orientation on how to use the computer and the email. Snore.
Tomorrow my first class starts! AMG.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Orientation, Day 3
I really don't feel like talking about too much right now, but I already put off the post about last night. Which was... very very fun ^_^ We went out to eat with our landlord, and at first I thought we were going to his house, and was therefore very nervous, but instead he treated us to an authentic restaurant! And the atmosphere was very casual and fun.
The landlord's wife pretty much forced alcohol on me, but I wasn't complaining! In fact, I was highly amused. I ordered a coke first because I didn't know any other drinks in Japanese! But then later on they kept asking me. "Biiru o nomitai? Sake?" Want a beer? Sake? Pretty much wouldn't take no for an answer, and I was too flustered to say, omg yes! Which is... honestly what I was thinking...
After a few drinks, everyone really loosened up, and I spoke in extremely awful broken Japanese (basically just throwing words out there with random particles I find relevant). It was a lot of fun. And I was very happy to be slightly communicating.
This morning, on the other hand, was not so fun. We took our Japanese placement exam, which included of a test & a 5 minute interview with the Japanese instructor. Honestly I could have done so much better on the test if I had studied (but I was too busy having fun last night!). I knew all the jukugo, which was great, but messed up on the rest. The last question was an essay, How did you study before coming to Japan? Or something like that. LOL. Umm! I can't even tell you how I did on that. Just... lol.
It doesn't really matter too much on how I did, though. Still in the same class they expected us to be in =] Plus 3 Japanese culture classes. 1 of those is a class that every student at Kinjo can take, only it is taught in English. So. Yay.
After orientation was over, me and Natalia and a newgirl Iona (who is not new at all, but a second semester student from England) went to Sakae and Ai-chan (Iona) showed us around. My feet are absolutely killing me. Turns out my new shoes are definitely not made for walking. I'm kind of afraid to take off my socks to see what has become of my feet. Damn carnivorous shoes.
But that is all for now! I'm exhausted. Probably going to watch the episode of Being Human I missed at home. Ja ne ^^
The landlord's wife pretty much forced alcohol on me, but I wasn't complaining! In fact, I was highly amused. I ordered a coke first because I didn't know any other drinks in Japanese! But then later on they kept asking me. "Biiru o nomitai? Sake?" Want a beer? Sake? Pretty much wouldn't take no for an answer, and I was too flustered to say, omg yes! Which is... honestly what I was thinking...
After a few drinks, everyone really loosened up, and I spoke in extremely awful broken Japanese (basically just throwing words out there with random particles I find relevant). It was a lot of fun. And I was very happy to be slightly communicating.
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This morning, on the other hand, was not so fun. We took our Japanese placement exam, which included of a test & a 5 minute interview with the Japanese instructor. Honestly I could have done so much better on the test if I had studied (but I was too busy having fun last night!). I knew all the jukugo, which was great, but messed up on the rest. The last question was an essay, How did you study before coming to Japan? Or something like that. LOL. Umm! I can't even tell you how I did on that. Just... lol.
It doesn't really matter too much on how I did, though. Still in the same class they expected us to be in =] Plus 3 Japanese culture classes. 1 of those is a class that every student at Kinjo can take, only it is taught in English. So. Yay.
After orientation was over, me and Natalia and a newgirl Iona (who is not new at all, but a second semester student from England) went to Sakae and Ai-chan (Iona) showed us around. My feet are absolutely killing me. Turns out my new shoes are definitely not made for walking. I'm kind of afraid to take off my socks to see what has become of my feet. Damn carnivorous shoes.
But that is all for now! I'm exhausted. Probably going to watch the episode of Being Human I missed at home. Ja ne ^^
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Orientation, Day 2
Today's orientation was long, but essentially uneventful. They basically went over the rules and procedures of the school. We were, however, lectured on how to protect ourselves from the perverts out there, and also the lingerie thieves. It was... pretty hilarious. But yes, boyfriend/dad, I promise to take the warnings seriously =]
I only have two pictures to show you from today.
I am very excited for classes to start. They basically guaranteed that we'd be put into Japanese 201 (the lowest level), but we have to take the placement test anyway I guess =P They meet 5 times a week, so we can be sure to learn Nihongo super fast! Yay! There were two other classes we're taking for sure, which is Japanese Culture (Flower arrangement, tea ceremony, etc.) and Contempory Topics (more modern stuff). And then there's a third class we can take that's Japanese Culture taught in English that isn't necessarily for exchange students. So, that should be fun.
Oh! And they mentioned a paid teaching assistant position! For teaching English. How exciting is that?!
Tonight my boarding house is going to our landlord's for dinner. His name is Yogo-san and he doesn't speak any English. This will be interesting ^_^
Ja ne, for now!
I only have two pictures to show you from today.
I am very excited for classes to start. They basically guaranteed that we'd be put into Japanese 201 (the lowest level), but we have to take the placement test anyway I guess =P They meet 5 times a week, so we can be sure to learn Nihongo super fast! Yay! There were two other classes we're taking for sure, which is Japanese Culture (Flower arrangement, tea ceremony, etc.) and Contempory Topics (more modern stuff). And then there's a third class we can take that's Japanese Culture taught in English that isn't necessarily for exchange students. So, that should be fun.
Oh! And they mentioned a paid teaching assistant position! For teaching English. How exciting is that?!
Tonight my boarding house is going to our landlord's for dinner. His name is Yogo-san and he doesn't speak any English. This will be interesting ^_^
Ja ne, for now!
Orientation, Day 1
Yesterday was pretty eventful... And exhausting. The day ended at 4pm, I took a nap, had dinner, and then fell right back asleep. On the bright side, I was so exhausted that I actually slept until my alarm! Victory! I'm going to set it for 6am every week day (unless I happen to have an especially early class) and sleep in on weekends, just so everyone knows my schedule. 6am is 5pm for my friends at home, and it gives me enough time to get ready for the day without rushing.
Yay for schedules. Speaking of schedules, I believe we are registering for classes today ^^ but this post isn't about today, it's about yesterday. I was way too tired to write about it, and I didn't want to turn this blog into a chore.
Everyone in my building met up in front and we walked down to the train station with two girls from Kinjo's international club. From there we met the other group of students (we're about 20 in all; I have a specific number somewhere but I don't feel like fishing it up). We separated into "regions" I guess, which I thought was very typical. Chelsea & I were with the Polish girl Natalia (who is very cool, we're friends) and we walked around Obata and did important document stuff.
Like buying an inkan (Y3,000! But, necessary to open a bank account.) And applying for our alien cards. And all that jazz. Very exhausting in itself.
When that was all done, we went and had a grand tour of Kinjo Gakuin! And may I say, it is the most beautiful campus I've ever set foot on. I am very happy that I chose this school! Oh, and we had lunch with all the other students, and had to give a (very awkward) self introduction.
In retrospect, I probably could have said more. But... tanoshikatta...
There are some pictures under the break! Check them out ^_^ More are on my facebook, just because some of them get a little repetitive, hehe.
Yay for schedules. Speaking of schedules, I believe we are registering for classes today ^^ but this post isn't about today, it's about yesterday. I was way too tired to write about it, and I didn't want to turn this blog into a chore.
Everyone in my building met up in front and we walked down to the train station with two girls from Kinjo's international club. From there we met the other group of students (we're about 20 in all; I have a specific number somewhere but I don't feel like fishing it up). We separated into "regions" I guess, which I thought was very typical. Chelsea & I were with the Polish girl Natalia (who is very cool, we're friends) and we walked around Obata and did important document stuff.
Like buying an inkan (Y3,000! But, necessary to open a bank account.) And applying for our alien cards. And all that jazz. Very exhausting in itself.
When that was all done, we went and had a grand tour of Kinjo Gakuin! And may I say, it is the most beautiful campus I've ever set foot on. I am very happy that I chose this school! Oh, and we had lunch with all the other students, and had to give a (very awkward) self introduction.
Watashi no namae wa Lauren desu. Lori to yonde kudasai. Amerika no Uesuto Baajinia Daigaku kara kimashita. Watashi no ichiban suki na tabemono wa.... sushi desu ^_^. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu~
私の名前はローレンです。 ローリとよんでください。 アメリカのウエストバージニア大学から来ました。 私の一番好きな食べ物は。。。 すしです ^_^。 よろしくおねがいします~
My name is Lauren. Call me Lori. I come from America's West Virginia University. My favorite food is sushi ^_^ Please treat me well~
In retrospect, I probably could have said more. But... tanoshikatta...
There are some pictures under the break! Check them out ^_^ More are on my facebook, just because some of them get a little repetitive, hehe.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Super PRT, Pt.2
Holy bajesus. I am so exhausted. Not only am I jetlagged, but I had to have fun all day. How awful!
(Just kidding?)
2 hours after my last post (... 3 hours?), Chelsea and I boarded the train once again, but this time it was to go to the ever-so exciting downtown Nagoya! Yay! We were to meet an old exchange student from WVU, Maki Okachi! Thank goodness for her and her directions, because it was crazy crowded. Think stereotypical Tokyo - only we weren't being physically pushed into cars, and there was no molestation going on. Just... a lot of people.
We found her though, and went to Bikku Kamera (Bic Camera~?). It was a 5 floor building full of everything and anything. Our minds nearly imploded by how much stuff there was. We were mostly impressed by the toy floor, but only because we are slight otaku ^^;
Under the link are pictures from Nagoya. The pictures of the anime toys are not shown just to save some space. You can check out my facebook for that! =D
(I am also way too tired to tell anymore stories. Orientation starts tomorrow and I still need to fill out forms and stuff.)
(Just kidding?)
2 hours after my last post (... 3 hours?), Chelsea and I boarded the train once again, but this time it was to go to the ever-so exciting downtown Nagoya! Yay! We were to meet an old exchange student from WVU, Maki Okachi! Thank goodness for her and her directions, because it was crazy crowded. Think stereotypical Tokyo - only we weren't being physically pushed into cars, and there was no molestation going on. Just... a lot of people.
We found her though, and went to Bikku Kamera (Bic Camera~?). It was a 5 floor building full of everything and anything. Our minds nearly imploded by how much stuff there was. We were mostly impressed by the toy floor, but only because we are slight otaku ^^;
Under the link are pictures from Nagoya. The pictures of the anime toys are not shown just to save some space. You can check out my facebook for that! =D
(I am also way too tired to tell anymore stories. Orientation starts tomorrow and I still need to fill out forms and stuff.)
It's like Super PRT!
Chelsea and I took the train today!! A massive feat, being our second day here. But it was actually very simple. We didn't mess up and it was a very smooth, nice ride. Glad I looked up how to do it online, but Steve gave us instructions over e-mail too.
So we took the train, and I got my converter from him, and I am happy!! Here are some pictures from the station~
We managed to get back to our station and then did a little shopping. Got some notebooks at a local drugstore, along with some dish soap, laundry detergent, and a bread bun that looked tasty. (Can't read to find out what was inside though.) Then we went to the grocery store and bought lunch! Sushi, onigiri (for later), and takoyaki.
In other news, I am ridiculously tired. Fell asleep at a normal time last night, around 10pm, but I once again woke up way too early. This time 4:30am, but I managed to stay in bed until 5:30, when I just became restless. Computer was dead, so I went downstairs and banged on Chelsea's door, just so I could use her computer xD Curse you again, jet lag!
But guess what. Now I have my own computer and don't have to bother her anymore! *So happy!*
It's only 1:30pm at the moment. I feel as if our train & shopping adventure took the whole day, but it definitely didn't... I want to take a nap. Don't know what we're going to do the rest of the day, but I do know that I need to fill out some forms for my alien registration cards and stuff. No fun.
Orientation starts tomorrow. Excited to start doing school-related stuff, not so excited about the whole I-can't-really-speak-Japanese thing. Ah well.
So we took the train, and I got my converter from him, and I am happy!! Here are some pictures from the station~
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We managed to get back to our station and then did a little shopping. Got some notebooks at a local drugstore, along with some dish soap, laundry detergent, and a bread bun that looked tasty. (Can't read to find out what was inside though.) Then we went to the grocery store and bought lunch! Sushi, onigiri (for later), and takoyaki.
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In other news, I am ridiculously tired. Fell asleep at a normal time last night, around 10pm, but I once again woke up way too early. This time 4:30am, but I managed to stay in bed until 5:30, when I just became restless. Computer was dead, so I went downstairs and banged on Chelsea's door, just so I could use her computer xD Curse you again, jet lag!
But guess what. Now I have my own computer and don't have to bother her anymore! *So happy!*
It's only 1:30pm at the moment. I feel as if our train & shopping adventure took the whole day, but it definitely didn't... I want to take a nap. Don't know what we're going to do the rest of the day, but I do know that I need to fill out some forms for my alien registration cards and stuff. No fun.
Orientation starts tomorrow. Excited to start doing school-related stuff, not so excited about the whole I-can't-really-speak-Japanese thing. Ah well.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
In Japan... Finally
Aw, jeeze. Finally a post. Sorry. I've been waiting to try to get a plug adapter for my laptop (using Chelsea's right now). There aren't any electronic stores nearby, so I have to either find someone to take me to the mall tomorrow, or wait until Monday for some helpful people to take me. Until then, I'm shaking from being forced away from my laptop for so long. (I have a problem...) Seriously though, the culture shock isn't as bad as last night, but my social life (parents & boyfriend) really helps put me at ease. Also, the familiarity that is my Asus. I've been so fidgety and panicky. Should subside once I'm able to get back on my home-sweet-home computer.
So I'm ridiculously sleepy, but I'll try my best to talk about everything that happened =] Waiting for it to be a decent time in the States so I have a chance to aim with the boyfriend.
Let's add a page break~ This is a looong one.
So I'm ridiculously sleepy, but I'll try my best to talk about everything that happened =] Waiting for it to be a decent time in the States so I have a chance to aim with the boyfriend.
Let's add a page break~ This is a looong one.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Last Post before Japan
This is officially my last boring irrelevant post! In about two hours, my parents will be here to pick me up and to take me to a hotel at the Pittsburgh airport. 10:30 tomorrow morning, I will be IN TRANSIT to Japan!! (Like a package? I don't know where I was going with that.)
I am going to miss my boyfriend so much, but I know I'm going to have so much fun. Going to Japan is my dream.
Packing was a nightmare... I have this one big duffel bag that I've completely filled with clothes. I ran out of room for some books I really needed to bring (grammar book, kanji dictionary, books for the plane), so I had to go through the bag and decide which clothes to bring and which to put aside. It was such a hard decision! (amg drama queen?) I'm ridiculously attached to some things sometimes.
Even after I emptied the bag of a couple things not to bring... it's still way too heavy. Hopefully I can still check it, and hopefully I can still carry it around. We'll see what happens =)
That's all for now, then. I had a great evening with my boyfriend consisting of a newly-bought Tangled (best movie ever) and some delivered pizza. And now I'm going to spend the rest of the night watching TV until my parents arrive.
Goodbye, America! <3
I am going to miss my boyfriend so much, but I know I'm going to have so much fun. Going to Japan is my dream.
Packing was a nightmare... I have this one big duffel bag that I've completely filled with clothes. I ran out of room for some books I really needed to bring (grammar book, kanji dictionary, books for the plane), so I had to go through the bag and decide which clothes to bring and which to put aside. It was such a hard decision! (amg drama queen?) I'm ridiculously attached to some things sometimes.
Even after I emptied the bag of a couple things not to bring... it's still way too heavy. Hopefully I can still check it, and hopefully I can still carry it around. We'll see what happens =)
That's all for now, then. I had a great evening with my boyfriend consisting of a newly-bought Tangled (best movie ever) and some delivered pizza. And now I'm going to spend the rest of the night watching TV until my parents arrive.
Goodbye, America! <3
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
2 Days
Packing, packing, packing...
Finished. Kinda. What I did was completely pack for Japan (including all my make-up & haircare products, which I'll unpack again later) and then pack up what was left of my room, seeing as how I need to "move out" in May. Getting my clothes together and rolled into the suitcases didn't take me too long. I opted for bringing more clothes rather than my notebooks and stuff. I can buy notebooks when I'm there. I have a pile of things I still need to bring against the wall, but there's very little chance they're going to fit. All I have left is my two carry-ons - a bookbag and a purse.
But Tim Gunn keeps telling me to make it work, and I can't let him down!
Packing my room is almost done too. Got all my crap into boxes. All that's left is the rest of my clothes. Shouldn't take me too long, but I am exhausted, so I'll do that tonight or tomorrow.
Tonight I'm trying to go out to eat with my boyfriend. I want to go to ihop =] But we'll see what happens. We're both a little low on cash. I also need to buy Tangled, because I loove that movie. Also going out to Walmart to get slippers & body wash. Gotta get that done. Later. So... tired....
To Do:
- Everything previously mentioned.
- Also: call bank about me leaving country.
Oh man. Leaving for the hotel tomorrow night, and then Japan Thursday morning. So exciting. ^_^
Finished. Kinda. What I did was completely pack for Japan (including all my make-up & haircare products, which I'll unpack again later) and then pack up what was left of my room, seeing as how I need to "move out" in May. Getting my clothes together and rolled into the suitcases didn't take me too long. I opted for bringing more clothes rather than my notebooks and stuff. I can buy notebooks when I'm there. I have a pile of things I still need to bring against the wall, but there's very little chance they're going to fit. All I have left is my two carry-ons - a bookbag and a purse.
But Tim Gunn keeps telling me to make it work, and I can't let him down!
Packing my room is almost done too. Got all my crap into boxes. All that's left is the rest of my clothes. Shouldn't take me too long, but I am exhausted, so I'll do that tonight or tomorrow.
Tonight I'm trying to go out to eat with my boyfriend. I want to go to ihop =] But we'll see what happens. We're both a little low on cash. I also need to buy Tangled, because I loove that movie. Also going out to Walmart to get slippers & body wash. Gotta get that done. Later. So... tired....
To Do:
- Everything previously mentioned.
- Also: call bank about me leaving country.
Oh man. Leaving for the hotel tomorrow night, and then Japan Thursday morning. So exciting. ^_^
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
3 Days
Only three days left - until I depart, anyway. Four days until I'm actually there. SO EXCITED AMG.
I got Sean's camera, so that's a big check. Got some luggage for my clothes, which are all clean =] Don't have any souvenir gifts yet, but that's only a matter of time.
It's bittersweet here. Kobi is at my parents house, which makes the apartment sad and lonely. On the other hand, Sean is being extra sweet and attentive and awesome, as we only have a couple days left. I love that boy. I'm going to miss him a lot.
My hair is cut and dyed. Not purple like I originally wanted. It's dark brown with some dark blue highlights. Not sure what went wrong with the formula xD but it's super adorable so I'm not complaining.
Got some new clothes last weekend too - also super cute. And I got pants that actually fit me. Kinda. My butt's still too big. Hopefully I lose weight over in Japan. Oh, and I also got new glasses. <3 love them.
Parents are going CRAZY with worry. They really don't want me to go... But it's my decision. And I'm 98% certain I'm going to have the time of my life =]
3 days, y'all!
I got Sean's camera, so that's a big check. Got some luggage for my clothes, which are all clean =] Don't have any souvenir gifts yet, but that's only a matter of time.
It's bittersweet here. Kobi is at my parents house, which makes the apartment sad and lonely. On the other hand, Sean is being extra sweet and attentive and awesome, as we only have a couple days left. I love that boy. I'm going to miss him a lot.
My hair is cut and dyed. Not purple like I originally wanted. It's dark brown with some dark blue highlights. Not sure what went wrong with the formula xD but it's super adorable so I'm not complaining.
Got some new clothes last weekend too - also super cute. And I got pants that actually fit me. Kinda. My butt's still too big. Hopefully I lose weight over in Japan. Oh, and I also got new glasses. <3 love them.
Parents are going CRAZY with worry. They really don't want me to go... But it's my decision. And I'm 98% certain I'm going to have the time of my life =]
3 days, y'all!
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I need to start wearing make-up again, so I'm not so stoned-looking. |
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Er, yea.
New layout. Are you surprised? Before I promised I wouldn't anymore! Sorry!! I honestly forgot how much fun it was for me to make these things. They take up so much time and everything is completely drowned out while I'm working on it. Time flies so quickly.
I know you won't believe me if I say this will be the last time for a while... But it probably will be =] Spring Break is in a couple days. I'll be terribly bored during it, so I might add something or two to the blog... Who knows. I plan on eating sushi, going shopping, and getting my hair done. Maybe I can stretch that out during the entire week!
After Spring Break, I'll finally be so close to going to Japan! I'm leaving Wednesday night to go to a hotel in Pittsburgh with my parents, and then the airport Thursday morning. I am going to miss Sean so much. I'm probably going to cry all day Wednesday. It's going to be horrible...
Hm. I'm going to end this post by plugging my friend Chelsea! She's going to Japan with me, if I hadn't mentioned that before =D A fellow American on this trip to unknown lands! She'll be my savior xD. Anyway, I made her a layout today too, which inspired me to make this new one. I liked hers so much better! My old one didn't read very well - way too cluttered to be bloggy. But... it is fixed now.
And I am happy. And it will stay this way. =] ~ Ttyl!
I know you won't believe me if I say this will be the last time for a while... But it probably will be =] Spring Break is in a couple days. I'll be terribly bored during it, so I might add something or two to the blog... Who knows. I plan on eating sushi, going shopping, and getting my hair done. Maybe I can stretch that out during the entire week!
After Spring Break, I'll finally be so close to going to Japan! I'm leaving Wednesday night to go to a hotel in Pittsburgh with my parents, and then the airport Thursday morning. I am going to miss Sean so much. I'm probably going to cry all day Wednesday. It's going to be horrible...
Hm. I'm going to end this post by plugging my friend Chelsea! She's going to Japan with me, if I hadn't mentioned that before =D A fellow American on this trip to unknown lands! She'll be my savior xD. Anyway, I made her a layout today too, which inspired me to make this new one. I liked hers so much better! My old one didn't read very well - way too cluttered to be bloggy. But... it is fixed now.
And I am happy. And it will stay this way. =] ~ Ttyl!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Residence Hall
Woke up this morning to find more earthquakes in Japan. They also seem to be getting closer to Nagoya... But, they are getting smaller and smaller. My parents are a little bit more than freaked out by the entire scenerio, but I'm confident it'll be okay in the days to come. I still have two weeks until I leave!
The good news is I also woke up to find information on my residence hall at Kinjo! And let me tell you, it looks so cute. I am pretty happy with it. =]
I am on the third floor, which looks like the top floor?, which is both good and bad. 1) Penthouse FTW! 2) No elevator. Eh, it'll be okay. I wouldn't take an elevator to go three floors anyway, but I'm kind of freaking out about my luggage... I'm an extremely weak individual xD
Each room has it's own kitchenette, washing machine, and bathroom. Awesome!? I was scared I'd have to revert to living in a dorm-like room again. With - none of the above. Oh, also a veranda, which I know is typical of all/most Japanese rooms, but I'm ecstatic. I'm going to have to dry my own clothes!
The rooms also come with dishware, so I won't have to worry about that. "Each room is self-catered, equipped with desk, chair, bed, kitchen, washing machine, refrigerator, microwave oven, air conditioning, closet, shoe cupboard, cooking utensil and dishware, prefabricated bath (PB), veranda and internet support (optional)." And a rice cooker.
I love how Japan is so Japanese. Can't wait!
The good news is I also woke up to find information on my residence hall at Kinjo! And let me tell you, it looks so cute. I am pretty happy with it. =]
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Isn't it adorable?! |
Each room has it's own kitchenette, washing machine, and bathroom. Awesome!? I was scared I'd have to revert to living in a dorm-like room again. With - none of the above. Oh, also a veranda, which I know is typical of all/most Japanese rooms, but I'm ecstatic. I'm going to have to dry my own clothes!
The rooms also come with dishware, so I won't have to worry about that. "Each room is self-catered, equipped with desk, chair, bed, kitchen, washing machine, refrigerator, microwave oven, air conditioning, closet, shoe cupboard, cooking utensil and dishware, prefabricated bath (PB), veranda and internet support (optional)." And a rice cooker.
I love how Japan is so Japanese. Can't wait!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Sorry! ><;
No more new layouts! I promise!... maybe. I just.. didn't think the other layout was decent enough to be a blogging layout. Not very easy to read, I mean. =] But this one should be good. It should be the end of my layout-making spree. ... maybe.
Can you tell I really like butterflies? ^^;
So, today to get ready for traveling to Japan, I am going to be getting my notebook ready! I'm going to organize which Japanese notes I should take, and which ones I could do without. I'm running out of room like crazy in my binder, so I think organization is a great idea at this point. Especially considering I need to find a place to pack said notebook.
I also plan on figuring out Sean's digital camera. He's letting me borrow it cause mine is unnecessarily large. And old. I plan on taking lots of pictures with it!
Can you tell I really like butterflies? ^^;
So, today to get ready for traveling to Japan, I am going to be getting my notebook ready! I'm going to organize which Japanese notes I should take, and which ones I could do without. I'm running out of room like crazy in my binder, so I think organization is a great idea at this point. Especially considering I need to find a place to pack said notebook.
I also plan on figuring out Sean's digital camera. He's letting me borrow it cause mine is unnecessarily large. And old. I plan on taking lots of pictures with it!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
New Layout Again Lol!
Oh my gosh. I have been sooo bored the past couple days... I've decided to waste time delving into my old passion: web design. So, I made my blog this new layout. It's pretty cute I guess. I'm probably going to make a new one - yet again - sometime later. But hopefully this one will stick.
Again, if anyone wants their own little layout, I'd be happy to whip something up. Only 3 more weeks until my schedule is full =] so get on those requests!
I should really be studying Japanese before I leave... I have forgotten... everything. It's kind of depressing. But I've been so lethargic and bleh lately. Big consequence of not doing anything all day. Guh, you should see how much weight I've gained...
But all this has nothing much to do with Japan, so I'll leave it at that ^^ Talk to everyone later!
Again, if anyone wants their own little layout, I'd be happy to whip something up. Only 3 more weeks until my schedule is full =] so get on those requests!
I should really be studying Japanese before I leave... I have forgotten... everything. It's kind of depressing. But I've been so lethargic and bleh lately. Big consequence of not doing anything all day. Guh, you should see how much weight I've gained...
But all this has nothing much to do with Japan, so I'll leave it at that ^^ Talk to everyone later!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Earthquake in Japan
Earthquake in Japan =[ 8.9 - a Tsunami too. Hard to get too much information about it because CNN is mostly concentrating on Hawaii and the West Coast. My prayers go out to each and every person in Japan right now, and I dearly hope you're home safe and sound. I know there's a body count of 300+ in Sendai right now, but I can't really make myself watch the news anymore. The video footage is really depressing.
For inquiring minds, this shouldn't impede on my trip too much. The major catastrophe was in North Eastern Japan - bless them. The airports I'm flying into are relatively fine, runways are apparently clear. But there is a "Travel Alert" I got in my e-mail from the Dept of State, urging travelers to not go to Japan for "non-essential business" that remains in effect until April 1st. This is due to the large number of aftershocks Japan is expected to experience. But I'd say education is fairly essential, wouldn't you? =]
Again, my thoughts go out to the Japanese caught by the catastrophe... <3
For inquiring minds, this shouldn't impede on my trip too much. The major catastrophe was in North Eastern Japan - bless them. The airports I'm flying into are relatively fine, runways are apparently clear. But there is a "Travel Alert" I got in my e-mail from the Dept of State, urging travelers to not go to Japan for "non-essential business" that remains in effect until April 1st. This is due to the large number of aftershocks Japan is expected to experience. But I'd say education is fairly essential, wouldn't you? =]
Again, my thoughts go out to the Japanese caught by the catastrophe... <3
Friday, March 11, 2011
New Layout
I got sick of the old layout... so I decided to make a new one! Damn, I used to be so good at html & Photoshop. But I guess I forgot like, all of it ><; All the good stuff anyway. So, the layout is pretty simplistic, but it's cute ^_^ Very flowery ♥
If you guys like it, lemme know. I could make you one if you want! =D I have a lot of time on my hands haha.
Hopefully my next post will be about my departure from the States! 3 more weeks!
If you guys like it, lemme know. I could make you one if you want! =D I have a lot of time on my hands haha.
Hopefully my next post will be about my departure from the States! 3 more weeks!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Forms Sent: Checkkk!
Ahh, yay! Forms have been sent off to Kinjo! Finally! And I spent a little extra for priority - otherwise it would have taken 2 weeks to get there. I don't have 2 weeks! But it's all good. $14 was a fair price to pay, methinks.
I've essentially made it a habit to update this blog whenever something study-abroad-relevant occurs, however insignificant. So. That's it! =D
I've essentially made it a habit to update this blog whenever something study-abroad-relevant occurs, however insignificant. So. That's it! =D
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Visa: Check =D
Ugh. What an awful morning. To think I was worried about the actual X-ray report retrieval - instead I should have been worried about the journey to the actual Records office. Y_Y Well, I was originally going to get a ride from my good friend Amanda, but her car was being awful, and she was unable to. No problem!, I thought. I'll just ride the Shuttle!
The shuttle at my apartment is... extremely "flighty" in its scheduling. I haven't taken it at all this semester, due to my friend taking me to Japanese by car, so I wasn't sure what the schedule was exactly. So, I figured, I could just show up and wait. It was a nice day =]
Long story short, I get up to the bus stop, see it driving away, sigh a little bit, then decide to wait for another one / for it to come back. 15 minutes later, an office lady comes out and tapes a sign on the door: Only One Bus Running. 40 Minute Schedule.
Er, okay. I can wait. So... I wait. Meanwhile, my boyfriend Sean has been waiting patiently at the hospital for me. I feel really bad that I'm dragging him along for just a report retrieval, but I'm honestly so ridiculously lost without someone to help me with directions (see previous post). He helps me more than he knows. Plus, I didn't think it was such a big deal. I'd meet him at the hospital, we'd get the report, and leave. Easysauce.
Except once the bus came - 40 minutes later - the driver stepped out and said she was on break for the next hour. So typical! I knew there was a reason why I was the only one waiting for her...
So I go back to the apartment, call Sean, and like. Cry. Because I felt so horrible for making him wait this long, even while I already felt bad for dragging him along. Not to mention I had very little sleep last night. I tend to cry when I'm grumpy. o.o. But yeah, decided I'd just wait for the next bus, because he wasn't coming home anytime soon anyway - there was no one to pick him up from downtown.
40 minutes later again I'm finally on the bus. Poor Sean is tired and hungry and ever-so grumpy, so it was a silent trip to the Records office, getting my report, and waiting for the bus to take us home (omg). Worst morning.
On the BRIGHT side, I finally have all the papers I need to fill out and send, and that'll be done and over with and omgosh. So happy. I also got my Visa in the mail once I got home - 50 cheers for me!
So hopefully, no more stress for a while now. Or until later on when I get that stuff in the mail. Only thing left to do is work on getting a Japanese cellphone ^_^ Oh, and maybe study the language a little bit too. Maybe...
The shuttle at my apartment is... extremely "flighty" in its scheduling. I haven't taken it at all this semester, due to my friend taking me to Japanese by car, so I wasn't sure what the schedule was exactly. So, I figured, I could just show up and wait. It was a nice day =]
Long story short, I get up to the bus stop, see it driving away, sigh a little bit, then decide to wait for another one / for it to come back. 15 minutes later, an office lady comes out and tapes a sign on the door: Only One Bus Running. 40 Minute Schedule.
Er, okay. I can wait. So... I wait. Meanwhile, my boyfriend Sean has been waiting patiently at the hospital for me. I feel really bad that I'm dragging him along for just a report retrieval, but I'm honestly so ridiculously lost without someone to help me with directions (see previous post). He helps me more than he knows. Plus, I didn't think it was such a big deal. I'd meet him at the hospital, we'd get the report, and leave. Easysauce.
Except once the bus came - 40 minutes later - the driver stepped out and said she was on break for the next hour. So typical! I knew there was a reason why I was the only one waiting for her...
So I go back to the apartment, call Sean, and like. Cry. Because I felt so horrible for making him wait this long, even while I already felt bad for dragging him along. Not to mention I had very little sleep last night. I tend to cry when I'm grumpy. o.o. But yeah, decided I'd just wait for the next bus, because he wasn't coming home anytime soon anyway - there was no one to pick him up from downtown.
40 minutes later again I'm finally on the bus. Poor Sean is tired and hungry and ever-so grumpy, so it was a silent trip to the Records office, getting my report, and waiting for the bus to take us home (omg). Worst morning.
On the BRIGHT side, I finally have all the papers I need to fill out and send, and that'll be done and over with and omgosh. So happy. I also got my Visa in the mail once I got home - 50 cheers for me!
So hopefully, no more stress for a while now. Or until later on when I get that stuff in the mail. Only thing left to do is work on getting a Japanese cellphone ^_^ Oh, and maybe study the language a little bit too. Maybe...
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Chest X-ray: Half Check?
What a frustrating day. Trying to find Radiology at WVU's hospital, only to forget to get myself registered, and then having to find Radiology again. I am so lucky I had Sean with me or I'd be crying in a corner, so absurdly lost. If you don't know me, you should know that I am so awful at directions, the "You Are Here" arrow in my brain is non-functioning, and the slightest corridor with only 2 adjacent hallways would have me so turned-around and confused... (Worst analogy ever. Hey, I tried.)
I don't know how I'm going to go 4 months in Japan without a boyfriend to cling to and tell me where to go. Especially when all the signs are in kanji!
Blah, whatever. I had a tough time explaining to the nurses that, Hey, I need the report of this to send to the school. It's for a physical. They didn't understand the concept of "paper copy" until the end of the procedure, when the mentioned it so offhandedly that I must have looked at them funny. "Oh, but if you want a physical copy, just go down to the records office Monday morning and sign a release form." ... THANK you.
I was kind of hoping to get everything done today and relax this weekend, but - it can wait for Monday or Tuesday, I guess.
To Do List:
I don't know how I'm going to go 4 months in Japan without a boyfriend to cling to and tell me where to go. Especially when all the signs are in kanji!
Blah, whatever. I had a tough time explaining to the nurses that, Hey, I need the report of this to send to the school. It's for a physical. They didn't understand the concept of "paper copy" until the end of the procedure, when the mentioned it so offhandedly that I must have looked at them funny. "Oh, but if you want a physical copy, just go down to the records office Monday morning and sign a release form." ... THANK you.
I was kind of hoping to get everything done today and relax this weekend, but - it can wait for Monday or Tuesday, I guess.
To Do List:
- Phone. Figure out how Skype's 2cents a minute works. And also find a cheap cell.
- Money situation. Gonna try to make a bank account ASAP when in Japan, but got to figure out how dad's going to wire money over to it. Anyone know is US checks work at Japanese banks? <-- probably more trouble than it's worth.
- Send everything in amg! I need that x-ray report so I can finally send everything over to Kinjo.
- Get a haircut =] so I can look super cute
- Stock up on necessities. I don't know how prevalent chapstick is in Japan, but I'm definitely buying like 10 before I go. (I have a pretty depressing addiction to chapstick.)
- They mentioned bringing "American" things to show my Japanese friends (hopefully I can make some~). So... I'll buy a magazine or two before I leave. This might be done last minute at the Airport...
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Visa Application: Check
Finally got my entire visa application in the mail. Freaking out about it - I really hope I didn't mess anything up. The application's signatures need to match my passport's signatures, but I wrote on that thing back in High School. My sig has completely changed since then. So I really hope they're not too strict about that.
Also praying it doesn't get lost in the mail. I had no money left for insurance, having spent it all on the express return envelope. Me being the paranoid girl I am will be worrying about this for days.
Last thing I need to do is get my chest x-rayed. No big deal. That form, plus all the other forms, need to be in Japan by March 18th. Plenty of time. =]
(... watch, my next post will be dated March 17th and I haven't finished everything I needed to! Typical Lori...)
Also praying it doesn't get lost in the mail. I had no money left for insurance, having spent it all on the express return envelope. Me being the paranoid girl I am will be worrying about this for days.
Last thing I need to do is get my chest x-rayed. No big deal. That form, plus all the other forms, need to be in Japan by March 18th. Plenty of time. =]
(... watch, my next post will be dated March 17th and I haven't finished everything I needed to! Typical Lori...)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Plane Tickets: Check
Finally! Time to take "buy plane tickets" off the list to do. It was a little less than $1500. It's the same flight we had seen before at $1300, super cheap, but they decided to be mean and increase the price >[ So we went ahead and bought it before the prices went up anymore. We like this flight the best because the layovers - while there may be two - they're only about 2-3 hours long. All the other flights had crazy layovers. Like, 8-10 hours. No thanks.
But! We got the flight. No more stress ^_^
To Do List:
But! We got the flight. No more stress ^_^
To Do List:
- Chest xray! Do it! I have the form, just got to go to radiology and get it done. Not too worried about this.
- Visa! Get one! I have my flight number now, and I bought some kickass envelopes, so I could potentially do this tomorrow. Found a great tutorial on the NYC Embassy website - not too worried about visa anymore =] Priority: high
- Forms! Fill them out! It isn't really much at all. Gotta get this - and chest xray - done to send in by the 18th. Priority: eh.
I think that's everything...? Oh, and packing, of course. Figuring out how I'm gonna get moneys from home. I'm gonna try to get a Japanese bank account once I'm there. According to Kinjo's orientation, they're letting us purchase an inkan - something needed for bank accounts. So hopefully there will be a workshop or something for me.
Ok, well, time for dinner.
Til next time <3 <3
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Getting Excited!
I was excited before, but now that I'm actually getting stuff done and not freaking out about it - I have time to feel excited! Yay! I scheduled a chest x-ray (which is actually just another physical) with Student Health for tomorrow. I'm going to pick up my acceptance letter. Marvel at it for a couple hours. And then fill everything out and hopefully have everything done except the Visa.
Raawr the visa. That's the only thing bringing me down right now. I have to figure out how to do that... Sending important documents through mail is NOT SCARY AT ALL. Ahh I'll figure it out..
Still so happy I got the scholarship. The only "application" for it is just filling out my name, school, and address. Oh man! So difficult!
Yes, two posts in one day. It will make up for the lack of updates in the weeks to come =] Hopefully nothing horrible will happen that will warrant an update...
Raawr the visa. That's the only thing bringing me down right now. I have to figure out how to do that... Sending important documents through mail is NOT SCARY AT ALL. Ahh I'll figure it out..
Still so happy I got the scholarship. The only "application" for it is just filling out my name, school, and address. Oh man! So difficult!
Yes, two posts in one day. It will make up for the lack of updates in the weeks to come =] Hopefully nothing horrible will happen that will warrant an update...
I got the scholarship. 80k yen a month will significantly help. I just need to fill in the little form, and then send it with all the other paperwork. Proof of health insurance, chest x-ray, etc. Which reminds me. I need to get my chest x-rayed.
My acceptance letter came today, but it's at the office downtown. On campus. Way too hectic for me to go there just for the letter - so I'm gonna try to get the boyfriend to pick it up for me tomorrow. Then I can finally apply for my visa!
Things are looking good. =]
My acceptance letter came today, but it's at the office downtown. On campus. Way too hectic for me to go there just for the letter - so I'm gonna try to get the boyfriend to pick it up for me tomorrow. Then I can finally apply for my visa!
Things are looking good. =]
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